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Cardassia Reporting In For Duty

Posted on Sun May 7th, 2023 @ 3:56am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Commander Zodrac Kosh

3,399 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: The Return
Location: Captain's Ready Room/Bridge


Zodrac had spent a long day unpacking their things, arranging the furniture, and watching over his daughter Arna till his wife came home from her duty shift. After that it was just about finding things to do to avoid stepping out of the Quarters and into the public view of the other Starfleet Officers. He was used to the staring and the comments behind his back. Even to the comments made in front of him, but he wasn't ready to make it official. To officially be a part of Starfleet and not an Undercover Intelligence Officer who worked as an asset to obtain Cardassian information. Here he was Zodrac Kosh, Chief Security and Tactical Officer aboard the USS Endeavour, so it was time to just be... Kosh.

After some more procrastinating, and Elra calling him out, he finally stepped out of their quarters and made his way down the corridor. As he passed the officers he could feel the glances and double takes. The glances from curiosity and some of disgust. He was a Cardassian and they didn't have the best reputation when it came to the Federation and Starfleet. Nor did they have the length of trust most species were given. It was safe to say Cardassia ruined that long before the Dominion War and Zodrac had to attempt to earn it with these officers. As he stepped into the turbolift he kept his cool and professionalism. If his trust was going to start somewhere it would be with the Captain and Executive Officer.

As the Turbolift stopped at the bridge, the doors immediately opened, which prompted Kosh to step out to glance around. Immediately, it was like everything came to a stop and all eyes were focused on him, like a scene from one of those old spaghetti westerns he was fond of. With nothing else to do, he just looked away and made his way to the Captain's ready room, tapping the chime as he came to a stop at the door to signal his arrival.

Alistar poured over the data displayed on his desktop computer terminal and wondered not for the first time why he didn't request a yeoman. Personally he had never throught of having one, but managing a new ship and crew while preparing for an important diplomatic mission that had the possibility of becoming a nightmare was starting to wear thin. Besides, he personally felt as if the Endeavour needed a shakedown cruise first before tackling something like the mission they had been given. The door chime broke into his thoughts, and he reached out to tap the pause button. Rubbing his eyes, he leaned back in his chair and wondered what the interruption would bring.

"Enter," he called.

"Moment of truth..." Zodrac thought to himself before clearing his throat and stepping in. He kept his hands behind his back and eyes focused ahead, as expected from a typical officer, upon stepping into a Captain's Ready Room. He stopped away from the desk before saying firmly. "Lieutenant Commander Zodrac Kosh reporting for duty, Captain."

Alistar frowned as he tried to place the accent. It sounded familiar but he couldn't quite place it. Opening his eyes and seeing the Cardassian standing in his ready room, he raced to control his reaction. His entire body stiffened as he sat upright in his chair, his brain instantly locking into what was known as flight or fight mode, and unfortunately Alistar always triggered towards fight. He managed to control himself enough to remain sitting, but hidden from view his fists clenched as he fought for control. It was a knee jerk reaction, and one he barely contained, as it took almost every bit of his self control.

After a few moments, Alistar finally managed to speak while keeping a level, if stiff tone in his voice. "Commander Kosh," he said. "I wasn't aware that there were any Cardassians serving in Starfleet."

Zodrac placed his head down briefly, letting out a bit of a smirk, before looking up to the Captain with a understadning smile. "I get that a lot, Captain." He said calmly as he thought It's going to be one of those meetings. "I was originally a member of the Cardassian Militia, with a service in the Obsidian Order, before being placed as a member at a holding camp during the Dominion War. I won't lie to you, Sir. Much like every solider at the time, I did what I was told, but that obedience began to subside when I realized from hearing the people there did nothing wrong. So... I did the most unplanned thing I could and freed them. They were hesitant every step of the way. A Cardassian, one of their captures leading them to freedom, it didn't make sense." He let out a big of a sigh before adding. "Much like you are now, Captain. I don't blame you or anyone for that matter. My people should be held responsible. What we did was evil and all because of my peoples feeing of superiority masked by some like that it was for the other species best interest. So, I get it, and I've taken by fair share of beatings over it. All because I am Cardassian and not because of was that particular Cardassian."

He paused, feeling the conversation was beginning to get off track. The Captain asked about him being in Starfleet, and how he got there, but Zodrac got side tracked by his own experience and how he recognized the Captain's reaction because he saw it often and it usually ended with a fight. He finally cleared his throat and continued his original story. "I freed those I could and, as soon as we were in the air, I was held prisoner. I didn't fight it. If they shot me then and there I wouldn't have blamed them. Shortly after we were picked up by a Starfleet ship and I was held prisoner. They questioned me about everything and I answered what I could. I had no reason to lie. I just freed a bunch of prisoners and was now a traitor to my people. I saw no point. When it was all over... I defected and asked for asylum. It was granted and soon a Intelligence ship came for me. I began to work for Starfleet Intelligence as an informant and spy. All the while I was training to be an officer. My examinations were private and so was my graduation. I am not here to pay for my peoples crimes. I am here to serve under this uniform, and now, as a member of your crew. If you'll have me, Sir."

Alistar nodded slowly as he listened, then felt his eyes narrow just a bit as he thought over the words. He had heard rumors of a Cardassian being a commissioned officer, but never followed up on whether or not it had been true. He had worked with intelligence before and never really dove too far into the field, just enough to dabble a little and learn a bit. If Kosh had been grabbed by Intel during the war, then they would have kept him a guarded secret and not let word spread too much. It also made sense now why Kosh's file hadn't been forwarded before he had reported on board as well. As much as Alistar would had fought against having a Cardassian under his command, once Kosh had reported aboard it was difficult to reassign him for several months. It did make sense having him on board once Alistar's thoughts shifted to why Kosh had been sent to the Endeavour. They were being sent to the Cardassian border, and would be there for a while so having an expert present made sense.

"Well, you're here now, and if you passed the Academy courses and were granted a commission then you've at least earned the right to be here," Alistar finally said after a long moment of silence. "And I would be an idiot to send away a valuable officer and resource knowing where we're heading. But, I have to be honest in saying that I'm surprised Admiral Weber sent you here."

"As the Captain said..." Zodrac replied. "Given where you are going my knowledge and experience would be of great use. I understand me being a Cardassian and my past will be a problem, so you are still within your right to request someone else." He paused slightly before continuing. "Sir, I can promise assure you, my loyalties are to this uniform and Starfleet. You can ask my wife, who is not only Bajoran, but was one of the prisoners in that camp. Our daughter was conceived after those events and out of love. I will not hesitate to put this ship and crew first when dealing with my people. I am a Cardassian but the Starfleet, and the Federation, is my home now." He stood there for a moment before asking softly. "Permission to speak freely, Sir?"

"Granted," Alistar said with a nod as he continued to digest what Kosh was saying.

Zodrac stood there for a moment, letting a soft sigh escape his lips, before finally speaking in a relaxed tone. "I won't lie to you. Cardassia Prime is where I was born and grew up. It's a part of me and I miss it. Even though they labeled me a traitor, there is still a desire to go back and step foot on her again. I also won't lie to you. The Cardassian Central Command and Obsidian Order take traitors very seriously. Me being on board, and wearing this uniform, may cause you more problems than if I wasn't onboard. So, as I said, I understand if you decide to send me away and request the Admiral to give me another posting."

Alistar sighed and shook his head. "Weber knew when he had you assigned that your presence would be a problem in more ways than one. First to the officers here on the Endeavour and second to the Cardassian and Maquis governments. But your knowledge is clearly something we need on board. And despite my... reservations and the fact that half the crew are not going to appreciate your being here, the fact is that I need you and the knowledge in your brain more than whatever misguided comfort it might bring in having you removed. You're here, and everyone will adjust. I'm not saying that it will be easy for everyone involved, and I include myself in that category, but in the end we're all Starfleet officers and everyone here will conduct themselves accordingly. I expect nothing less from everyone aboard the Endeavour."

Silently, he added 'Including me', but he kept that to himself since it was a reminder for his own benefit more than anything else. Weber had known that Kosh would present a problem, both for the officers on the Endeavour and for the Endeavour herself. But Weber was known for doing things in his own way, and he had assigned Kosh knowing McKeon's standing. Alistar was loyal to the uniform, and would act accordingly, but that didn't mean that he was going to like it or that it was going to be easy for him.

"I take it that the Kosh assigned as a security officer is the Bajoran wife you mention? And am I correct in assuming you brought your daughter along?" he finally said after forced his mind to push the dark thoughts away.

"Yes." Zodrac replied. "If the Captain feels the ship is not safe we can send her to some friends on Bajor to look after. The thought crossed out minds as well, but we weren't sure of the presence. My wife was given mixed replies. Some said that it would be safe and others said it wouldn't." He paused slightly. "Also, Captain... I can refrain from leaving my quarters when off duty if my presence causes that much of a disturbance."

"I can't tell you what to do with your family, the Endeavour has family quarters for a reason. that reason being so that officers wouldn't be separated from their families due to their postings. That being said, this is a Federation starship, and we will face dangerous situations like any other deep space exploration ship. That danger and potentially placing your child in the middle of it is a risk that every Starfleet officer faces. Some accept it, other don't. My question would simply be to point out would it be safer here or there, away from her parents? It's not an easy question to answer from what I hear," Alistar said. He had finally relaxed enough, not entirely but enough, that he leaned back in his chair.

"As for the second item. To be blunt, you're a Cardassian, and there's no small amount of dislike towards Cardassians. But, you're not a criminal or under disciplinary actions, so locking yourself away in your quarters may seem like a solution but let's be honest it's a short term one at best and it could possibly lead to more problems than anything else. There are certainly some on board who are not going to be happy about you being here, some far more than others, but you're here and everyone is going to have to face the facts. That choice is entirely up to you, but in my opinion it could very well be a mistake."

Zodrac seemed to straighten up again. Standing at attention and stiffening as he kept his hands behind his back. He gave a nod, understanding what the Captain was saying regards to both topics. Him simply being on board will spark issues in its own right so, no matter where he places himself, it will likely cause a stir. He knew it would be a difficult transition to go from working in secret with Intelligence to working on a Starship in the view of everyone else. Especially all the officers and species the Cardassian's wronged over the years, of which there were many. Zodrac would have to take is slow and earn his way onboard. Earn their respect, not just as a Starfleet Officer, but as a Cardassian Starfleet Officer. As for his daughter, the discussion would have to be between him and his wife. While this ship did have areas, and ways, to protect families. His daughter was still a half Bajoran and half Cardassian child who may have her own share of struggles. Struggles Zodrac tried to keep her from.

"Captain..." Zodrac began softly before looking into McKeon's eyes as he continued. "Is there an advice you can give me to help ease the crew with my presence and service onboard? I know I can't take away what was done, because of my people, but at least I can show them that I am nothing like that and to avoid that anger to be brought over towards my daughter in some way? I can take it, but she's still a child and had nothing to do with all of that."

Alistar sighed, as he knew that it was going to be difficult for all involved, him included. "Honestly, I don't see much that would be directed towards your daughter for the most part, other than the usual hardship on her fitting in. It will be more difficult because your her father and a Cardassian, but the brunt of it will be directed towards you and I imagine your wife by extension. If you're both half as good as the admiral knows I expect my officers to be, then the best advice I can give is to simply give it time and earn your place by doing your jobs. Now I will warn you, while some of the crew may be willing to accept your presence and give that chance willingly there are some on board who will not be so open to your presence here. For those officers, there's a deeper wound than just the Dominion War, and I can only imagine how they will react."

Zodrac stood there quietly before nodding his head. He knew this was a terrible position for the Captain to be in, but so was he. He was reminded of those wounds for a long time, and even had a few himself, but he always pushed forward. Regardless of how others felt about him, Kosh always did his job, often gaining allies in the process. However, some refuse to let those wounds heal. As it was their right, but what Zodrac would not stand for was being accused of things he wasn't even a part of, or worse, those people dragging his family into it. The thought alone made him angry as he clenched his fists behind his back, but he soon set them at ease as he let out a sigh "I can assure you, Captain, I won't be the one who escalates any incident. However, if one does escalate, I will defend myself. At the very least to disarm or restrain whoever sees fit to take out their anger on me."

A bitter and sharp emotion crept up Alistar's spine, and he struggled hard to keep control of the cold harsh demon that threatened to come forward. Kosh's words were opening up old demons for Alistar, demons that were best left sleeping and not easy to deal with. It was a struggle he almost didn't win, but when he did Alistar forced himself to unclench his fists and place his hands on the top of his desk palm down. "Mister Kosh, no matter the cause I hold no tolerance for physical violence between my officers," he said, trying to keep the icy tone out of his voice. "I understand that defending yourself from another member of Starfleet when needed is a situation that may happen, but that is to only be when it is needed. I've toed this line before, and I know far too well that sometimes things happen, sometimes they get out of line, but I won't tolerate anyone, you or anyone else, using such excuses just to justify actions that could have been resolved in a different manner. Rest assured that I will come down just as hard on anyone else who breaks this policy, no matter who they are."

Kosh was starting to get the feeling that this was going to be a very difficult assignment. It was starting to feel like, even though he was wearing a Starfleet Uniform, Cardassian is all most people could see. And with that the mistrust that came with his species. Maybe he was better off staying in Intelligence. Playing the role of a Cardassian i Uniform to gather information for Starfleet then actually serving on a ship, but he couldn't do that to his family. Forcing them to move every time his assignment changed, having to get used to new surroundings and new people, it would make things worse.

The Cardassian nodded his head to the Captain. "Of course, Captain. I would never intentionally harm another officer and, even when it comes to defending myself, it would only be to subdue and disarm. There is no room for such actions onboard a Starfleet ship and, as the Captain said, there will be no tolerance for it. My duties on this ship are to keep it and its crew safe and secure. Even at the cost of my own live, Sir. As any other member of Starfleet would in my position."

"That may be put to the test, sooner than you think or like," Alistar said, his moment of anger cooling to the point of being under control. "But either way, I will hold you to your word, believe me." he grew quiet, wondering just why Starfleet had sent Kosh to the Endeavour on the eve of her dangerous mission. After a moment, he nodded. "Alright, commander, I'll look for you on the bridge tomorrow. I'll let you get back to settling in. Dismissed."

Watching as his new chief security and tactical departed, Alistar groaned and shook his head as the door closed shut behind Kosh. He was starting to get a bad feeling about the Endeavour's upcoming mission, and he wasn't sure he was going to like any of it.


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