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Transfer Operations: A Surgical Move.

Posted on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 @ 6:20am by Lieutenant Dr. Tazi "TK" Kiasas Roen DO.

1,044 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Return
Location: Main Shuttlebay
Timeline: Current

Dr. TK Roen had spent the past few years working alongside his father, Captain Riarvin Kiasas, at Starfleet Medical on Earth. But now it was time for TK to spread his wings and take on a new challenge. He had received his transfer orders to the USS Endeavour, a Sovereign-class vessel, where he would serve as the new Chief Medical Officer.

Excitement filled TK as he prepared for the move, but also a tinge of sadness. He had grown fond of his life in Honolulu, where he had lived in a cozy apartment and made many friends, including his boyfriend, a Bajoran Security officer named Jaden. But he knew that this new assignment was a great opportunity for him to advance in his career, and he was determined to make the most of it.

As he began packing up his belongings, TK realized that he had accumulated more possessions than he had thought. He wondered how he would manage to fit everything into the Runabout that Jaden had volunteered to pilot. But TK was determined to bring his beloved pet cat, Tiggar, with him, even though the curious feline had a tendency to get into mischief.

TK's friends and colleagues came by to say their goodbyes, wishing him luck on his new adventure. Jaden arrived with the Yellowstone-class runabout, the USS Kilauea.

TK walked down the long hallway one last time, his footsteps echoing in the empty space. The walls were lined with windows, giving him a breathtaking view of the Hawaiian landscape. He had always loved this apartment, with its modern furnishings and stunning views. But it was time to move on.

As he made his way into the living room, he spotted Tiggar sitting on the windowsill, basking in the sunlight. The grey tabby turned its head to look at him, her eyes bright and curious.
"Come on, Tiggar," TK said, scooping up the cat. "It's time to go."
Tiggar meowed in protest but allowed herself to be carried to the transport area in the corner of the room. TK had already packed all his belongings, including the many mementos he had collected over the years. He set down Tiggar's carrier next to his bags and checked his padd one last time, taking one last look at the empty apartment.

The transporter beam enveloped them, and TK felt the familiar tingle as they were transported to the USS Kilauea. The runabout was small, but comfortable, with enough room for the three of them to move around freely. TK settled Tiggar onto the deck and took a seat next to his boyfriend, Jaden.

The cat, as expected, was very curious about her new surroundings, and it took all of TK's patience to keep her from exploring too much.

"How are you feeling?" Jaden asked, taking TK's hand.
"A little nervous, to be honest," TK admitted. "I've never been on a ship this big before."
"You'll be fine," Jaden said, squeezing his hand. "You're one of the best doctors in Starfleet."

TK smiled, feeling a surge of pride. He had worked hard to get where he was, and he knew he was good at his job. But he was also keenly aware of the responsibility that came with being a Chief Medical Officer. The lives of his crewmates would be in his hands, and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

As they made their way toward the USS Endeavour, TK's excitement grew. He was ready to take on this new challenge and contribute his expertise to the crew of the state-of-the-art starship. He knew the next few years would be full of adventure and discovery, and he was eager to start.

The journey to the Endeavour was long and arduous, but TK passed the time by catching up on his research and spending time with Tiggar. The cat was a curious and feisty creature, always eager to explore her surroundings and get into mischief. But TK found her companionship to be a source of comfort during the long voyage.

Finally, they arrived at the USS Endeavour, and TK was awestruck by the sight of the massive ship. He knew that he had made the right decision in accepting this assignment, With Tiggar by his side.

The runabout docked with the Endeavour, and TK and Jaden made their way to the airlock, TK took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. TK stepped onto the ship, Tiggar's carrier in his arms and Jaden at his side.

A tall, broad-shouldered man, with a warm smile on his face, a young-looking Luietenant wearing a gold-accented uniform approached them.

TK shook his hand, feeling a surge of excitement. He had never been on a Sovereign-class ship before, and he couldn't wait to explore.

Then Lt. Scott led them to TK's quarters, which were located on Deck 6, Section 045, Room 0669. The room was spacious, with a large bedroom with a queen size bed ensuite bathroom with both a sonic shower and traditional bathtub, a living area with a large desk and workstation, and a seating area by the window as well as a dining area. There were even large floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a stunning view of the stars.

"Wow," TK said, taking it all in. "This is incredible."

"I'm glad you like it," Lt. Scott said. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. And if you have any questions, I'm here to help."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," TK said, feeling grateful. He had heard stories about the camaraderie that existed among starship crews, and he was already beginning to feel it.

As Lt. Scott left, TK turned to Jaden and Tiggar, who were both exploring the room.

"Well," he said. "I guess we're really here."

Jaden smiled at him. "Well I guess I got You here, I have to get the Runabout back to Earth, I just had time to get you settled in.”

Jaden kissed TK and turned to leave “I’ll call you when I get back to Earth.”

And then TK was alone and ready to begin his new Adventure. He would settle in and start getting familiar with the crew’s medical histories tomorrow, for now, he would explore his new home.


LCDR Dr. TK Roen DO.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Endeavour


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