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Purrfectly Sneaky: Tiggar's Nocturnal Secret Expedition aboard the USS Endeavour

Posted on Thu Apr 6th, 2023 @ 8:23pm by Lieutenant Dr. Tazi "TK" Kiasas Roen DO.

929 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Return
Location: USS Endeavour
Timeline: Night Shift

Tiggar had always been a curious and adventurous cat, but his curiosity had reached new heights since arriving on the USS Endeavour. TK Roen had warned the crew that his pet cat was a little too curious and liked to explore. But TK had underestimated Tiggar's abilities. The grey tabby had found a way to escape from TK's quarters one day late into the night and roam the ship undetected.

Tiggar's first stop was the ship's cargo bay. He sniffed around some crates and then noticed a small hole in the wall. Without hesitation, he squeezed through and found himself in a dark and narrow passage. As he explored the passage, he noticed a small mouse scurrying along the wall. Tiggar's hunting instincts took over, and he pounced on the unsuspecting prey. With the mouse in his mouth, Tiggar continued his exploration.

Next, Tiggar found himself in the ship's main engineering section. The crew here was minimal at this hour, and Tiggar jumped from one console to another unnoticed, almost triggering an alarm as he went. Then he accidentally hit a button that triggered a red alert in engineering. Tiggar didn't know what he had done, but he knew it was best to move on. From there he made his way to the bridge, and he saw some officers rushing toward engineering. Tiggar knew he had to remain hidden.

Once on the bridge, Tiggar's curiosity peaked. The bridge was manned by a minimal complement as well only a couple of sleepy junior officers seated at the helm, operations, and science stations. Tiggar jumped onto the captain's empty chair and looked around. He saw the view screen and pawed at the controls on the armrest, trying to figure out what it was for. The view screen flickered, and Tiggar saw a planet on the screen. He was mesmerized by the image, and he kneaded on the armrest panel with his paws. Suddenly, the image changed, and Tiggar found himself looking at a strange alien vessel.

Tiggar didn't know what to do, but he knew he had to get off the bridge before he was noticed. He jumped off the captain's chair and ran towards the exit. As he made his way out, he heard someone coming out of the turbo-lift. He quickly hid under a console, and the officer walked right past him without noticing, he quickly darted onto the turbo-lift.

Tiggar continued his adventure, sneaking through the ship's corridors and hiding from any crew members he encountered. He explored the ship's mess hall, taking a bite out of a sandwich left unattended by a crew member. He found his way into the ship's gym and knocked over some free weights before scurrying away. Tiggar even made his way to the medical bay, where he was surprised to see his owner, TK, working with a patient who had had an emergency appendectomy and was in recovery.

TK was taken aback to see Tiggar in the medical bay, and he quickly scooped up the cat and returned him to his quarters. Tiggar was exhausted from his adventure, and he curled up on his bed for a well-deserved nap.

The next day, TK received a few complaints from the crew about minor incidents that had occurred around the ship. Tiggar had caused some mischief, but thankfully nothing serious had happened.

Despite causing a little mischief, Tiggar had brought some much-needed joy to the crew of the USS Endeavour. They had enjoyed watching the curious cat's adventures on the security recordings and had appreciated the little moments of humor and lightheartedness in the midst of their nightly routine.

From that day on, Tiggar became a beloved mascot of the USS Endeavour, and some of the crew would sometimes stop by TK's quarters just to say hello to the curious and adventurous grey tabby.
TK felt a sense of relief wash over him as he saw Tiggar, safe and sound, curled up in his bed. He sighed and shook his head, still chuckling at the thought of his little feline friend's wild adventure.

But he knew he couldn't let this happen again. He had to be more careful about keeping Tiggar from wandering off on his own. The last thing he needed was for his pet to cause any real damage or get hurt. TK made a mental note to install some kind of pet-proofing on his quarters, and to make sure he had Tiggar's collar and tracking chip updated for the Endeavour’s Internal Sensors.

He approached Tiggar, who was now purring contentedly in his sleep. TK couldn't help but smile at the little guy's innocent expression as if he had no idea that he had just caused chaos all over the ship. He gently stroked Tiggar's head, and the cat responded by stretching and nuzzling his hand.

"You little rascal," TK whispered. "You could have got me in serious trouble." Tiggar continued to purr, seemingly unaware of the mischief he had caused. TK smiled, feeling grateful to have such a loyal and entertaining companion by his side.

As he settled in for the night, TK couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have Tiggar, and how he was looking forward to many more adventures with his little grey tabby. But next time, he vowed to be more prepared and to make sure that Tiggar stayed out of trouble - or at least, out of trouble with the rest of the crew.


Grey Tabby Cat
USS Endeavour

Chief Medical Officer
USS Endeavour


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