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The Calm Before the Chaos

Posted on Mon Aug 12th, 2024 @ 10:39pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Grace Winters PhD

1,205 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Return

Alistar sighed as he found what had become his favorite seat in the arboretum and sat down. Rubbing his eyes for a moment, he leaned forward and stared at the small decorative pond that was nearby. In the few short days since he had officially taken command of the new Endeavour, he had seen the value of such luxuries and the few small moments of peace and quiet. Things had been simpler on his previous command, but then again the interstellar politics and the politics at Starfleet Command had been simpler as well. Admiral Weber had warned him, a bigger ship came with a bigger headache. But, Alistar refused to back down. Endeavour was his to command, once this new Admiral at Starfleet Command found someone else to pick on.

Grace had taken to walking in the arboretum each day. It was a moment of peace that centered her before beginning her duties. Today, however, she was surprised to see the captain sitting by a pond. "Hello, captain. How are you today?"

Alistar blinked in surprise as he glanced up towards the source of the voice. He rarely allowed his mind to wander enough to be surprised by someone walking up on him, but he was under a lot lately and the newest problem to the inbox on his desk wasn't helping. Seeing Grace Winters, he tried to conjure up a smile. "Miss Winters. I admit that I zoned out there for a minute," he said.

"Sometimes we need to zone out, as you say, to give our minds a bit of a break." She smiled. "This is a good place for it. I always enjoy a bit of nature. Especially on a station or starship."

"I wasn't sure if I would like it or not, but lately I find that I enjoy the peace and quiet," Alistar said with a nod. Glancing back to stare off towards the pond. "Specially lately. Some idiot admiral at Starfleet Command has decided to order changes to the Endeavour's crew and our mission."

"How many changes?" By his attitude, Grace had a feeling it was substantial.

"Endeavour has been reassigned to a different region and over half of the crew has been reassigned, including most of the senior staff," Alistar said. "So now we have to train up an entirely new crew for the next few months while we conduct basic patrols."

"Over half?" Grace shook her head. "And you were still working to solidify your crew before. Did they say why such a drastic change in personnel?"

"Some new admiral who thinks he knows what's best for the fleet is what I gathered," Alistar replied while shaking his head. "So we're getting a handful of experienced officers and nearly an entire graduating class from the academy and heading to patrol some quiet boring border region while we work up the crew."

Grace shook her head. "I don't envy you that responsibility. But I'm sure you're up to the task."

Alistar nodded. "I'll have Commander Silvisi to help me, and I have to admit that I may be scheduling a lot of counseling sessions to help keep what's left of my sanity. The main thing that worries me is the fact that historically the Endeavour always manages to find some form of trouble."

Grace couldn't help chuckling. "That it does. But you have an excellent first officer. Between the two of you, you'll be able to deal with most issues. And I'll be around if you need to talk, or just need a place to escape." She waved her arm to the flora around her. "I may just move my office here. It's a good place to come and think." She paused for a moment, then asked. "What else is troubling you?"

"Am I that easy to read?" Alistar asked, trying to add a bit of humor to his voice but not sure if it worked. "I guess I'm worried. I see the potential for Admiral Malone to use anything he sees as a failure on my part to replace me as captain. I'm sure it would come through as a transfer or some other form of official orders, but I guess I'm worried about losing Endeavour. I'm also worried that I won't do right by the crew. A couple of years ago I might have just winged it and hoped for the best, but now I find I'm second guessing some of the things I do as a captain and worrying about the outcomes long in advance".

"If the admiral wanted to replace you, you would have gone with the rest," she replied. "And if you worry if every move you make may get you replaced, you will end up losing the ship. Trust yourself. Trust your instincts. You're not perfect, but neither is anyone else. Just keep doing your best and you should be fine."

Alistar thought over Grace's words for a long moment before he finally nodded. It wouldn't be easy, but he knew that he personally was different than he had been before. He hoped that he was wiser, or at least more mature as a captain and an officer. "See why I wanted you around?" he managed to try making a joke. "You know, there are a few unassigned compartments on deck eleven and the diplomatic lounges are on deck ten. We could have engineering and operations turn one of those into an office for you. The lounges overlook the arboretum from the balcony level, it wouldn't be too much to convert one into an office if you want."

"That would be lovely. I would like an office overlooking the arboretum." She smiled, not deigning to comment on his joke although she, too, was glad he kept her around. "Thank you."

"It's no problem," Alistar said. "I'll talk to engineering and see if we can get it done by the time we break orbit."

"Thank you." The view would be good for her as well as anyone coming in for counseling. "Is there anything else I can do for you? Besides listen?"

"Not unless you want to take over command of Endeavour," Alistar replied with a small half witty type smile. Looking out across the arboretum, he sighed. "I will probably be able to better answer that question by the end of the week once we get underway and away from the center of politics that seem to be choke holding everything down."

"I am more than happy to let you be in charge." Grace smiled. "I'm a counselor and a diplomat. That's enough for me." She stood. "And now, I think I'll let you enjoy the peace while you can. If you need a sounding board, you know where to find me."

"Thank you, Miss Winters," Alistar said as he nodded a farewell. "I really don't realize just how much I appreciate having you onboard. I'll have operations get your new office done as quickly as they can. I ask that you try to have a good day."

"Oh, I will. One way or another." She smiled and made her way to the door and whatever needed her attention next.


Lieutenant Grace Winters
USS Endeavour

Capt Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer


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