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24150227 CO Duty log Cmdr McKeon

Posted on Fri Feb 27th, 2015 @ 7:04pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

609 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Alistar finished reading the official reports from security and Cmdr Valenar on the recent arrests and leaned back in his chair. Starfleet had been worried about an internal smuggling operation in the DS5 sector for several months, and it seemed that Lane, Kane, and Dex had been a part of it. Luckily the Endeavour had caught on before the problem grew worse. A follow up report indicated that Dex had cooperated fully and told Valenar and Heartly everything he knew, which wasn't much but still better than nothing. Still, he had been involved in illegal activities and it had been on Alistar's ship. Looking up at the master at arms, Alistar nodded. The master at arms tapped his commbadge twice and at the signal the doors to the ready room open allowing four security officers to lead Petty officer Dex in. Dex marched across the room and stood at attention before Alistar's desk.

"Presenting the prisoner Starfleet Petty officer 2nd class Jason Dex to Commander Alistar McKeon, USS Endeavour commanding officer. Charges against the prisoner include willfully joining in actions illegal in the Federation and its protectorates, actions include obtaining and the keeping of contraband materials aboard a Starfleet ship, the USS Endeavour and DS5, the manufacturing and distribution of illegal substances aboard the Starfleet ship Endeavour and the shipyard facility at DS5, smuggling, extortion, and other general illegal activities that have not yet been charged against the accused at this time due to an ongoing investigation. The accused has entered a formal and witnessed confession and pleaded guilty to all charges. In his defense, he attempted to talk others involved in the aforementioned activities out of their attempts to sexually assault and physically endanger a Starfleet officer when confronted about their illegal activities," the master at arms said.

Alistar nodded and turned his gaze to the petty officer who seemed to shrivel under his COs glare. "Have you investigated the charges master at arms?" he asked.

"Yes sir. I myself and the SFCIS official currently on board conducted a complete investigation of the charges and found all charges and evidence presented to you to be accurate," the master at arms answered.

"Very well. Does the prisoner still wish to enter a plea of guilty in return for leniency of the charges?" Alistar said.

"Yes sir," Dex said.

"Is the prisoner prepared for sentencing?" Alistar asked.

"I am."

Alistar nodded. "Petty officer Jason Dex, I find you guilty of all charges and in my findings I also find you guilty of conduct unbecoming of a Starfleet NCO. I hereby order that you to be demoted to the enlisted rank of Crewman 2nd class with no parole for promotion to NCO status for a minimum of ten years should your enlistment continue that long. You will be fined one year’s wages, placed on basic provisions by ops for the remainder of your tour of duty on board the Endeavour and I'm also placing a formal letter of reprimand with a copy of the security report as well as a copy of these proceedings. Also at the first available opportunity I will see that you are transferred to the Federation Border Patrol for reassignment following this cruise if not before. You are hereby placed on a probation period that will remain in effect until further notice. Any violation of any Starfleet regulation or Federation law will result in you being arrested and held until a formal court marshal can be convened. That is all. Master at arms, prisoner will remain in the brig for the remainder of the week and full sentence will be carried out next Monday by 0600. Dismissed."


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