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SD 241503.03 Engineering Joint Log: PO1 Ros Ens Walker

Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2015 @ 9:36pm by Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

798 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Jera woke up with a bad feeling. There was no immediate sign of why but somehow she just knew that today was going to be a really bad day. Her roommate had spent the night somewhere else, so Jera managed to dress and eat breakfast without interruption. She left her uniform jacket unzipped, a habit she had started on the Stheno. So far no one had said anything, and she didn't know why they should. Until she walked into engineering and signed in, she was off duty. That at least was her view on the matter. Seconds after she walked into engineering she got a second opinion.

"Ros! You're out of uniform! Correct the problem, now!" Mark Vaughn snapped at her as he stopped her just inside the doors.

"Sir, I am in my uniform," Jera said, surprised at how calm her voice sounded.

"You're on report and are assigned double shifts for the rest of the week," Vaughn said.

"Yeah right," Jera grumbled as she pushed by the CEO and continued on her way to her station.

"Get back here!" Vaughn shouted.

Kev was still half awake as he walked into engineering. He had been working the late shift due to a shortage of officers assigned to the shift and had suddenly been rescheduled back to day shift the day before. It had left him a little tired since he had only managed to catch a few hours of sleep before shift start. He had expected things would be the same, but much to his surprise he walked in just in time to hear the Ceo shouting at none other than Jera Ros.

"Oh no," he groaned.

"Yeah, he's really on one today," one of the technicians standing nearby said quietly. "He put three people on triple shifts for a week just before Ros got here."

Deciding that he needed to save one from the other Kev walked up to the two engineers before Ros could go off on the CEO. "Sir, do you have anything special for Ros and me today?"

Vaughn glared at Walker. "You're not on my bad side yet, Walker, so don't push your luck," the CEO snapped.

"With respect, sir, if my senior Nco is on your bad side, then I'm on your bad side," Kev said, which drew a lot of looks from everyone else.

"Have it your way. Both you are working a full day shift. You can spend your day by inventorying the workshops. And I don't want to see either of you even thinking if a break until you're done. Now get out of my sight!"

Kev grabbed Jera Ros by the arm and dragged her out of engineering. He finally stopped and let go once they were a safe distance down the corridor. "What the hell did you do, Jera? I'm on another shift for one week and you have to go off on Commander Stick-up-his-ass?"

"I didn't do anything to that stuck up egomaniac," Jera snarled as she jerked her arm out of Walker's grip. "The jerk started in on me right when I walked through the door. I haven't had the pleasure of his attitude all week. It must be you. You come back to day shift and Vaughn turns into a big ugly rage monster."

"Either way, we need to avoid him for a few days," Kev sighed. "Once he gets going, he takes two or three days to cool off. How bad are the workshops? I've been dealing with the phaser array emitters all week."

"Most of them haven't been used," Jera answered. "I went ahead and straightened up in the shuttle maintenance bay after I did maintenance on the shuttles the other day but the workshops and labs I'm not sure of."

"Alright. Let's start with the industrial replicator bay and the main workshops. Then we'll break for lunch and figure out how to deal with Vaughn the rest of the week," Kev said as he started to head towards the industrial replicator bay.

"We could shove him out an airlock," Jera suggested as she fell in step beside Walker.

"Petty officer Ros!" Kev growled warningly. The woman was a genius engineer but she had a temper and occasionally needed to be reminded that there were some things that didn't need to be said out loud.

Jera smiled sweetly and gave a charming shrug without missing a step. Clearly, the young pup hadn't learned yet that she wasn't going to roll over and play by Vaughn's rules if he was going to treat everyone like his personal army of slaves. "It was just a suggestion," she said.

"Let's just get started on this," Kev growled as they headed to the workshop area.

PO1 Jera'turak Ros
Engineering Specialist

Ens Kev Walker
Engineering Officer


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