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StarDate 241503.07 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer (Lieutenant Commander I. Valenar and Lieutenant I. dei`Silvisi)

Posted on Sun Mar 8th, 2015 @ 12:03am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Innovindil Valenar

840 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Innovindil paused two steps away from the Sickbay doors and took a deep breath. She had to admit that she hated going into any medical facility, and it wasn't just because she didn't like doctors or the smell of disinfectant. Innovindil simply didn't like medical facilities, and there wasn't a clear reason why. She supposed it was in part because when someone was under a medical scanner and being asked a series of personal questions, there wasn't much one could do but tell the truth, and she had a strong dislike for simply letting personal information out to a complete stranger. After forcing her discomfort aside, Innovindil took the final steps and stepped through the sliding glass doors that led into Sickbay. Inside, it was quiet as the few medical personnel who were on duty went about their duties. Stopping beside one of the medical Officers, Innovindil smiled.

"Excuse me, I'd like to speak to Lieutenant dei`Silvisi," Innovindil said.

Isabella had been checking the calibration of the medical tricorders when she heard the doors to sickbay open. She didn't bother to look up, mostly because the tricorder she had in pieces demanded her full attention or else she would never be able to put the device back together but also because checking calibrations on the infernal things was a demanding task. It wasn't until the officer in question stopped beside Isabella and spoke that she looked up and recognized the first officer. She managed, barely, to not jump and scatter the parts and pieces of the tricorder more than they already were. Setting the parts she had been holding down, Isabella smiled as she turned towards the commander.

"I'm Lieutenant dei`Silvisi. What can I help you with, Commander?"

"I received a notice from someone assigned to the Medical Department that I was required to report to Sickbay within twenty four hours for a physical," Innovindil said dryly.

"Did this person leave a video recording and look like this?" Isabella asked as she held up a padd with the image of the EMH on the screen. At the affirmative nod from the first officer, Isabella sighed heavily and shook her head. "Commander, I'm so sorry. We've been ordered to activate the EMH for a full shift every day by Starfleet Medical and the blasted thing has all but taken over sickbay. It’s been helpful in the fact that I don't have to worry about Beta Shift being shorthanded, but if I have to hear one more monotone lecture about something I learned in Medical School, I'm going to ask engineering to rip the program out of the computer manually."

"It sounds like the E.M.H. has already taken over," Innovindil said with an amused smile on her lips. "How bad is it compared to the previous models?"

"It's worse," Isabella replied as she waved her hand to indicate that the first officer should sit down on an empty biobed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that, but I've gotten fed up with that hologram."

"From what I've heard, you're not the only one," Innovindil said as she hopped up onto one of the biobeds.

Isabella activated the wall monitor and checked the commander's vitals. Everything seemed to be within the normal limits for a human female. "Everything looks good," she said as she made a quick note and saved the readings to the commander's online file. She could go back later and make a detailed report, but she was inclined to let the EMH do it. "Just a low iron imbalance that seems to be normal for you. You really should take care of that."

"I know, but the supplements are disgusting and I forget about the injections," Innovindil said as she slid off of the biobed.

Isabella grabbed a blank padd and typed in a series of commands, bringing up a list before she handed it over to the first officer. "This is a list of foods that are naturally high in iron, if you add them to your diet it should help with the imbalance."

"Thank you," Innovindil said as she accepted the Padd and looked over the list. She made a face at some of the foods listed and shook her head.

Isabella took note of the commander's expression and laughed. "I know, some of the foods on that list aren't exactly highly liked by people, but they are good for you. I'm not saying you have to eat everything on that list, but I do want you to try some of them."

"I'll try them, but I don't think I can make any promises," Innovindil said. Looking at the Chief Medical Officer, she managed a smile. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, commander," Isabella said as she returned the smile. She watched the first officer leave sickbay thoughtfully before she turned and headed into her office.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical
U.S.S. Endeavour


Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Endeavour


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