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24150310 Joint log CO and Civ NPC

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2015 @ 6:45pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

679 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

The lounge was unusually quiet as Alistar walked through the doors. At this late hour most of the people normally there would be getting ready to leave, but he was surprised to find that other than Rhiana the lounge was empty. It gave the room a creepy feel to be empty with the fact that the lounge had quickly become a social gathering place for the crew during off duty hours. The mess hall on deck 2 might be where the crew gathered while they were on duty, but after shift end they gathered in the lounge on deck 9. Sitting down at the bar, he gave the attractive Romulan woman who ran the lounge a questioning look as she walked over.

"What did you do, hold a phaser rifle to everyone's heads?" he joked.

"No, apparently the EMH is scheduling everyone for physicals before or after their shifts end, so everyone is either in their quarters resting, in sickbay, or somewhere else trying to figure out a way to destroy the hologram," Rhiana said. "Of course, it's normally pretty slow this time of the night anyway."

"I take it the mark 3 EMH has earned its reputation?" Alistar asked.

"It's definitely making the nightlife on the ship dull," Rhiana complained. "I'm waiting for it to order me off the ship with my harmful substances."

Alistar laughed. "So, does that mean I can't get my usual?"

"To be honest, I locked the bar down a few hours ago. I was actually thinking about leaving early," Rhiana said.

"A bartender who closes down early and goes home on a slow night? That's a new one," Alistar said.

"Hey, it happens. Just not very often," Rhiana said.

"Well, I guess I'll go worry over a bottle of replicated drink then," Alistar said.

"Actually, commander, if you want, I have a bottle of Romulan ale in my quarters. I'd be happy to share a glass with you," Rhiana said.

"Romulan ale is illegal in the Federation," Alistar said, frowning.

"So are fertile tribbles and yet people still have them," the blonde Romulan woman countered.

"Point. Alright, I'd be honored to share a glass with you," Alistar said. He waited while Rhiana locked down the bar and activated the extra security systems before he escorted her to her quarters. Once inside, he was surprised to find that her quarters were surprisingly and luxuriously nice. Even the external view was nice. As Rhiana poured two glasses of the clear blue ale, Alistar sat down on the couch.

"I have to admit that I've never had Romulan ale before," Alistar said as he stared at the glass she gave him.

"It's fairly strong if you're not used to it. I grew up drinking it, but it's hard to get a hold of in the Federation," Rhiana said as she sat down next to him.

Alistar nodded and took a drink. It was minty and crisp and it turned straight to a fiery burn that grabbed him by the back of his eyestalks and shook until even his brain was wondering what the hell he had just done. He coughed, trying not to spill the entire glass. After a moment the burning passed. "Yeah, it takes a bit of getting used to," he managed to say.

Rhiana laughed as she finished her glass off and set it down. "I tried to warn you. I hope you don't mind really bad hangovers. I've heard humans get some pretty bad ones from Romulan ale."

"Well, I did agree to it," Alistar said as he finished his glass off. He made a face. "Yeah, the burn is pretty bad, but it is good," he said as he turned towards Rhiana. He had intended to ask for another glass, but instead he leaned over and kissed the blonde Romulan woman. Much to his surprise, she kissed him back. The rest of the evening fell into a memorable blur and Alistar hoped that for just one night his blasted commbadge would just stay quiet.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour

Rhiana t'Valdran


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