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24150310 CO Duty log: Plot Log

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2015 @ 6:46pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

652 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

The Romulan ale had Alistar's head swimming, and every little sound assaulted his ears with a ringing vengeance just as the slightest light source gave him an instant migraine. But when the commbadge beeps one must answer it, and Alistar woke to the sound of his commbadge buzzing. It would have been easier to answer if he had been in his quarters, but instead he was in someone else's quarters, tangled in both that person's limbs as well as the sheets and he wasn't completely sure of the location of his commbadge to begin with. He finally gave up trying to get out of bed to answer the annoying little device and instead twisted around and slapped the nightstand's built in commpanel, the movement shifting Rhiana's sleeping position enough to cause her to stir a little, but she simply rolled over and fell back to sleep.

"Computer, reroute outstanding call from my commbadge to this unit, audio only," Alistar ordered as he rubbed his eyes.

"I'm sorry to disturb you commander but we've received a priority one distress signal from a scientific expedition in the Basik system," the officer of the watch reported. Instantly, Alistar was awake and he started untangling himself from the knot of limbs and sheets.

"Bring up all data we have on the Basik system and this expedition, route it to my ready room and get me a channel to Starfleet Command. Also, wake commander Valenar and have her report to my ready room as soon as she's awake," Alistar ordered as he found his pants. He slid out of bed and into half of his uniform with the practiced ease of over twelve years experience of being woke up in the middle of the night due to some emergency or another. Hunting down his shirt, jacket and boots took a few more minutes. He took a few minutes to dress and appear somewhat presentable before he kissed Rhiana and quietly darted out of her quarters.

By the time Alistar had reached his ready room, a channel to SFC was open and the image of the flag office on duty filled the screen. Like the Endeavour, it was the middle of the night at the SFC, so Alistar simply fell into his chair with a nod towards the admiral.

"Commander McKeon, I understand you've picked up a distress signal from Basik?"

"Yes sir, I'm pulling up everything we have on the system and this expedition but I was hoping I could get any further details from command before I order a course change," Alistar said.

"There's not much to say about the system itself, it's a small white dwarf, classified as a F5V star. There are five planets and a few smaller planetoids in the system. All we have on this expedition is that it's a civilian survey and research expedition that was supposed to be gathering sensor data for some Federation Science Council project or another. We're still working on the minor details on our end, you know what it's like getting information out of civilians in the middle of the night. We're sending everything we have to you now."

"All too well," Alistar said. "I take it the Endeavour has a go?"

"Your orders are to proceed to Basik and investigate the situation. Respond to the situation accordingly and as best as you can by Starfleet regulations. Good luck commander. Starfleet out."

The screen darkened as the admiral killed the terminal at his end. Alistar tapped in a command and brought up the information on both the system and the expedition. Groaning, he rubbed his head and wished the hangover would just go away. Unfortunately, it wasn't. A hangover from Romulan ale was not easily forgotten. Instead, he turned to the replicator and ordered a large cup or extra strong coffee. It was going to be a long night.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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