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SD 241503.12 EngSpec Duty Log PO1 Ros

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2015 @ 10:11pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

511 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Jera sat in the middle of a Jefferies tube and stared at the mass of wires and optical cables that someone had left. The entangled mass hadn't even been pushed back into the ODN conduit properly but rather had been left to hang out of the access panel. If she had been doing a visual inspection of the Jefferies tubes, the mess might have gone a week or two before being noticed, but Jera made it a point to crawl through the network of access tunnels every day. It kept her busy and it kept her away from engineering and LtCmdr Mark Vaughn, the tyrant of engineering.

It also kept her alone to face second rate repair work like this and be forced to fix it on her own as well. Lying on her back and setting a portable lamp up to serve as a work light, Jera started to shift through the wires with her hands. Tracing a wire or cable to a point out of the entangled mass, she would isolate it and untangle it if possible, or she would cut it and splice it back together. Fortunately, she was working on a secondary backup line and not a main, otherwise there would be a dozen calls every time she had to splice a wire. The secondary lines could be cut and unless they were down for an extended period of time then there wouldn't even be alarms go off. It was still tedious work and she imagined every wire and cable going around the neck of whoever had left it like this.

"Engineering to Ros," her commbadge beeped.

Jera angrily slapped her commbadge as she spliced the last cable back together and slid it back into the conduit. "What?" she snapped.

"Hey, could you check out a power fluctuation somewhere around deck 7, forward section?"

"What kind of power fluctuation?" Jera asked as she set the access panel in place.

"Not sure. There could be a gremlin in the system somewhere."

"I'll check it out, but you owe me," Jera said.

"Fair. How about a 4 course dinner and some great sex after?"

"I'll take the dinner, you can talk to my roommate about the sex," Jera said as she grabbed her light and started towards the nearest access panel. "But the name of who fixed the ODN controls in junction box F-S-TR55281359 would make me very happy."

"Aw, is that all? Looks like ...Um, Ros, it looks like Waters and Gill were the last two there. Did they not fix it?"

"They did something," Jera said as she ducked under a low overhang. "Alright, I'm heading up to deck 7. Find those two and make them scrub waste processing with a toothbrush. Ros out."

As she tapped her commbadge to kill the channel, Jera sighed. Waters and Gill. The two resident engineering screw ups. She decided to deal with the power problem, and then she would deal with them. As she started off to deck 7, Jera started thinking over the ways she could get revenge.

PO1 Jera'turak Ros
Engineering Specialist


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