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Stardate: 241504.17 Science officer's log Cadet S'louk: 1st Assignment

Posted on Sat Apr 18th, 2015 @ 1:36am by
Edited on on Sun Apr 19th, 2015 @ 4:29am

364 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight
Location: Earth Starfleet Academy gardens San Francisco, California

As S’louk sat in gardens with his pet sehlat I-tolk, a young ensign came to him “Cadet S’louk here are you orders congratulations your first assignment cadet.” The woman said as extended a PADD. S’louk stood took the PADD and asked “Why do you humans see the need to express emotion at what is nearly a logical occurrence, I have completed my studies here at the academy there for logically I am receiving my first assignment.” The ensign looked back the Vulcan cadet dumb founded, before replying” habit and tradition to do so, Your transport leaves at 1800 sharp.” The officer replied and walked away. S’louk looked at the PADD, it read:

FROM: HQ Starfleet Command
TO: Cadet S’louk Starfleet academy San Francisco, California
FROM Starfleet academy San Francisco, California

Cadet S’louk REPORT NOT LATER THAN 2000 hours 241504.20 to DS 5 awaiting return of the currently deployed USS Endeavour were upon the ships returns you will board her and assume your duties as science officer.

Later, after packing, S'louk took the time to make an entry in his personal log.

I have been assigned to the USS Endeavour Intrepid class starship specifically designed and built to fulfill Starfleet's primary objective of exploration. Equipped with the latest in the Federation’s most cutting edge technology and based out of Deep Space 5, Starfleet’s most remote deep space station, the Endeavour has been assigned to explore, patrol, and defend the frontier regions along the Federation’s border. My transport leaves for deep space 5 in 4 hours 13 minutes I have logical already packed my gear and belongings and made arrangements for my bandmate and 2 children to be stationed on DS 5. I look forward to chance to the observe humans and the other emotional race interact and learn why they value the their un suppressed emotion and how that has shaped their society and culture. I admit it will be a challenge while seek to know these things I find the unrestrained emotions of other races a constant irritant to logic and efficiency.

Cadet S’louk
Science officer
USS Endeavour


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