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StarDate 241504.22 Joint Log: Executive Officer, Security/Tactical Officer, Security Specialist

Posted on Wed Apr 22nd, 2015 @ 3:54pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Ensign Sizb

695 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Innovindil stepped out of the mission briefing and instantly tapped her comm. badge. She had been thinking over the list of Security personnel since the briefing had began and had finally narrowed her list to two specific people. With a pair of Medics joining the primary away team, she wanted two good people from Security who would be capable and able to handle anything that might come up.

"Valenar to Heartly and Sizb, report to the Security Briefing Room immediately," Innovindil said. Signing off, she stepped towards the turbo-lift and started towards the Security Officer herself.

Kyra was sitting at her desk in the Security Office and frowned at the call for her to report to the Briefing Room. Normally such an order would only occur before a major away mission, and so far she had heard nothing. That didn't mean that something had changed, as she had been stuck behind a desk most of the week. Saving the report she had been working on, Kyra stood and stepped towards the Briefing Room.

It was a small auditorium style briefing room, with tiered sears facing a podium and a large view-screen that could display any internal section of the Endeavour. It was also one of only two interfaces that had unrestricted access to all sections of the ship, but very few people could use the control interface. Sitting down in one of the front row seats, Kyra leaned back and waited for Sizb and Valenar to arrive.

Sizb was on his way to Medical for his medical scan--mildly dreading it, really, since he'd already been told what to expect from the shipboard EMH, who was...special, even by the admittedly-lax standards by which Starfleet EMH's were customarily judged, when the call to assemble in the Security Briefing Room came. *Thank Eggmother and Allfather both,* he thought to himself, pleased to have an opportunity to put off dealing with the acerbic software for at least a little while longer.

He broke into a full trot to the nearest 'lift, dodging past several crewmen on his way. "Security briefing room," he said, as the door opened for him with a positively self-satisfied PSSHT. He was still wondering what was going as he made his way to the Security Briefing Room and sat down in an empty seat.

Innovindil stepped through the Security Briefing Room doors and waved her hand to indicate that Heartly and Sizb should remain seated. She normally preferred to observe Starfleet protocol, but in this instance, there wasn't time to waste on simple formalities.

"We are launching an away mission in several minutes to begin a ground based Search and Rescue effort in order to locate and rescue anyone who might have been aboard the survey ship. Since they will be the only known life forms on the planet, both of you will use light gear. Standard issue hand phasers and tricorders, as well as a phaser rifle. Lieutenant dei`Silvisi and I will have operational control over the away mission. We will locate any survivors, load them into the shuttles, and return to the ship. The ship's transporters are not reliable in this situation, so the shuttles are a secondary priority. Lieutenant Heartly and the Chief Helm Officer will remain with the shuttles, and if need be pilot them to the rescue team's location once the survey ship's crew has been located. Are there any questions?"

"I do have one, Commander," asked Sizb. "What kind of operating conditions can we expect dirtside?"
“The conditions on the planet surface will be extremely dangerous. According to Operations and Science, the planet is in the early stages of breaking apart, so we are to expect unsteady footing conditions and unpredictable conditions at all times,” Innovindil replied.

"Thank you, Commander." A MISSION! He carefully hid his exciteent under a veneer of what he hoped was calm professionalism. He glanced at the other human female beside him, but her expression was impossible for him to read.

"Alright, then. The shuttles lift off in ten minutes. Dismissed," Innovindil said with a sharp nod.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical

Crewman Recruit Sizb
Security Specialist


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