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StarDate 241504.23 Executive Officer's Duty Log (Away Mission Log): Lieutenant Commander I. Valenar

Posted on Thu Apr 23rd, 2015 @ 6:23pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar

565 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Innovindil stepped into the shuttle-bay and gave the away team a quick but thorough visual inspection. The team consisted of herself, Lieutenant dei`Silvisi, the Chief Helm Officer, Lieutenant Heartly, Crewman Sizb, and a pair of medics whose names she hadn't yet learned. Hand phasers and tricorders had been issued to everyone, and both medics carried standard issue med kits. As she stopped beside Lieutenant dei`Silvisi, Innovindil gave a nod of approval before she turned to address the Second Officer.

"Lieutenant, I'm giving you operational command of this away mission. My official position as a member of the away mission will be as an observer and command advisor. You and the other team members will take the shuttle Everest; I'll follow in the Erinyes. We are to locate a safe place near the crash site to land the shuttles and from there we will walk to the site and begin our search for survivors. We will need to hurry, though. Science and Operations have estimated that the planet will begin breaking apart within twelve to twenty four hours. Let's go," the last she addressed to the entire team. As one, the team members turned and filed into the shuttles, the majority of the team filing into the shuttle Everest while Innovindil stepped into the Erinyes by herself.

Sitting down at the controls, Innovindil finished going through the preflight checklist and turned her attention to the actual flight itself. The Everest launched first, and Innovindil waited at least thirty seconds before she launched the Erinyes. She had seen incidents in which shuttles launching at the same time had collided and caused a horrible wreak, and she had no interest in causing such a situation. The bright lights of the Endeavour’s shuttle-bay quickly rushed past the cockpit view ports and were replaced by the darkness of open space. As she banked the Erinyes towards the planet, Innovindil studied the readouts and the view ports carefully.

The planet looked as if it would simply cease to exist. Thick, dark clouds covered the majority of the planet, which meant that there would be little to no light. Flashes of lightning lot up the darkened areas of the Planet, but they were angry flashes of red lightning, not the normal hue of atmospheric electrical discharge. Innovindil wondered just why anyone would want to get closer to a planet that looked like this. Even the most curious person would know to stay away.

The shuttles descended towards the valley in which the survey ship had crashed into. The Everest led the way, and Innovindil nodded as the Chief Helm Officer led them into a flight path that circled the valley twice before descending down to a grassy area barely a mile from the crash site. As the Everest settled down onto the planet surface, Innovindil hovered above in the Erinyes until the Everest had landed. Only then did she ease the Erinyes down and land her shuttle. By the time she had placed the shuttle on standby and stepped out of the shuttle, the rest of the away team had exited the Everest and were waiting for orders.

Stepping over to join the rest of the team, Innovindil nodded towards Lieutenant dei`Silvisi, indicating that she should take command.

"We are ready for your orders, Lieutenant," Innovindil said.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical


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