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241504.26 Joint Log Science officer and Civilian scientist

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2015 @ 10:37pm by

607 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Danea Eujebn had a usual Cardassian scowling expression on her face as she boarded the transport ship bound for DS5. She had waited long enough for Starfleet to approve her civilian contractor's license in order to serve on a Starfleet ship as a scientist, but she felt that it had taken longer due to the fact that she was a Cardassian. She was also just a little upset at not being name chief of the Endeavour's science department, something that she had been told was at the decision of the ship's commanding officer. The fact that she would have to wait at the starbase until the Endeavour arrived from wherever it was didn't help either. It meant more sitting around and waiting. Danea was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't see when someone stopped in front of her and she bumped into the person. Turning, she noticed that the other person was a young looking Vulcan wearing the uniform of a medical or science cadet's uniform. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying any attention. Are you ok?" Danea asked said.

"I am un injured." The Vulcan replied in typical cold emotionless fashion, his pet sehlat at his feet growled at the Cardassian, "one should watch were they are going or you could quiet possible injury yourself or others." S'louk said in his cold emotionless mono toned voice.

Danea stared at the Vulcan for a moment before she spoke. She had encountered Vulcans before, and it took her a moment to remember how to present herself in a Vulcan like manner. "It would help if I hadn't been distracted, but scientists let their minds wander from time to time. I'm sorry. Please accept my appoligies." she said.

"I fail to how one allows ones mind to wander, I am a scientist as well and mind is focused on task at hand at all times, it must a failing of the more emotion races, I accept you apology as is customary I fail to see to need for it however I will never understand the needs of other races to inject emotion into ever situation it is highly illogical, and counterproductive." The Vulcan replied

"Oh you're one of those Vulcans" Danea teased with a grin. "I was thinking about the ship I've been allowed to serve as a civilian scientist, which is why I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. As for emotion, it's just something most species see as an everyday natural thing, like breathing."

"I don't know you mean by one those Vulcans, as for emotions they are not needed for survival unlike breathing, substance, and shelter. May I ask a personal quarry?"

"Sure," Danea said with a grin. For some reason, she was enjoying this conversation.

"You mentioned being allowed to serve as civilian scientist aboard a starship, which ship will you be serving on?" S'louk replied

"The Endeavour," Danea answered. "Its an Intrepid class ship assigned to DS5."

“Fascinating, I am also assigned to the Endeavour as a science officer.” S’louk said

"Fascinating indeed!" Danea said with a smile. "So, what's your field?"

“Physical Sciences with a focus on physics.” He replied.

"My degrees are in planetary and life sciences," Danea said. "I don't have a specialty field though. So, how about we sit down and enjoy the flight?" she asked as she waved towards a pair of open seats. It was going to be a long flight, and it wouldn't hurt to have someone to talk to. Sitting down, Danea settled in her seat and waited for the transport to launch.

Cadet S'louk
Science Officer

Danea Eujebn
Scientist NPC


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