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Sd 241504.16 Second Officer's Duty log: Lt Isabella dei`Silvisi

Posted on Thu Apr 16th, 2015 @ 9:20pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

430 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Isabella felt somewhat unsure and just a little bit afraid as she entered the disembarkation bay. Attached directly to the shuttle bay, the bay was where away teams stopped to prepare for an away mission before having a final briefing and loading onto the shuttles. In this case, a full briefing had already been completed for everyone, so all that was left was for her to collect her gear and wait for Commander Valenar to give the order to proceed to the shuttle. Isabella had rarely taken part of away missions before, in fact the total number of away missions she had been on could be added up on a single hand, and those she had been on had been simple and easy away missions. The one that she was preparing to take part of was the first high danger away mission, and she was in a command position. The thought made Isabella just a little nervous.

What made Isabella even more nervous was when one of the officers handing out equipment placed a type two hand phaser in her hand along with a standard tricorder. She had managed until recently to avoid using a weapon, but Commander Valenar had insisted on Isabella learning how to use a hand phaser. The commander had spent the majority of an entire day training Isabella with the hand phaser until she could score up to a minimum of a seventy percent score in the firing range and maintain that score every time. Marksmanship wasn't something that Isabella had liked but she had tackled the challenge with the same determination she had taken to the rest of the courses that she had been taking, and in the end her determination to pass had been rewarded with a passing grade that had taken her one step closer to becoming the Endeavour's next executive officer.

After accepting the standard gear for an away mission, which for Isabella consisted a type two hand phaser and a tricorder, she turned towards the team members who were already present. Two medics, Ensign Karen Daniels and Petty Officer Paul Brentworth, as well as the chief helm officer were already present. Since they had already been briefed on the mission and the two type-8 shuttles that had been prepared for the away mission were already standing by, all they could do was to wait until Commander Valenar and her security team arrived. Deciding that she should present a calm demeanor, Isabella adapted a parade rest stance and calmly waited for the security team to arrive.

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Second Officer


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