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24150410 Joint Plot log SAR Mission Briefing, CO. XO. SXO. CEO NPC. Various NPCs

Posted on Fri Apr 10th, 2015 @ 11:36pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Captain Innovindil Valenar & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan

1,108 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Alistar walked into the briefing room with the chief helm at his heel. They were the first to arrive, so they both found chairs and sat down. The helm officer had managed to put together a quick report on the way from the shuttle bay so Alistar took the few minutes to read over it. Parts of the report made him wince. He was a pilot and helm officer by training and there were parts of the report that stated the shuttle instrument readings on the atmosphere scans that would make anyone draw up in worry. The shuttles could take the atmosphere conditions but he was starting to wonder if it wouldn't be better to take the Endeavour down to the surface. He was thinking over that when the doors to the briefing room opened, interrupting his train of thought.

Isabella hurried into the briefing room and quickly found a seat. Having spent the past several days under the guidance of Commander Valenar, she had learned to work under a fast paced and very stressful environment. To her surprise, Isabella had found that she enjoyed it. The bureaucracy side of command was a bit outrageous and tedious but she had dove in and found that it wasn't the multi headed hydra that so many others had made it out to be. The practical side of command had been somewhat more difficult, especially the advanced senior command training. All that was left was for Isabella to actually step up and assume the day to day role of acting executive officer, something that was already in the works. Leaning forward in her chair, Isabella rested her arms on the table and waited.

Lieutenant commander Mark Vaughn, the tyrant who ran the engineering department of the Endeavour, walked into the room and sat down with the air of indifference that could make a Vulcan snarl in open hostility. He openly avoided looking towards commander McKeon and barely took the time to look at everyone else and scoff in disapproval before he leaned back in his chair and waited.

Innovindil stepped into the Briefing Room and found herself a chair beside Lieutenant dei`Silvisi. She had come to admire the other woman during the past several days during the long hours they had spent together grooming the Lieutenant to eventually step up to the position of Executive Officer. Much to Innovindil's surprise, Lieutenant dei`Silvisi had done an excellent job in her training, even in the more difficult areas of the training. Offering the Lieutenant a nod and a professional smile as she sat down, Innovindil pulled her chair up to the table and turned to face Commander McKeon.

Alistar waited until the others filed in and sat down. Ensign Eidan had been promoted to lieutenant JG and had taken over medical, ensign Kim represented ops even though he wasn't perminately assigned to Endeavour. The same was for ensign Niatrus, who was sitting in for science.

"Alright, we don't have a lot of time, so let's get to it," Alistar said. Turning to the chief helm, he nodded. "Lieutenant?"

"We found the survey ship, but there's so much interference from the planet that it's hard to get an accurate sensor reading. Sensors are extremely limited and transporters are completely out of the question. The only way to get an away team down there is to shuttle them down."

"Why can't we just land the ship?" Ensign Kim asked.

"Because the survey ship crashed in a deep narrow valley that has very steep cliffs on three sides. There's no room to land the Endeavour. There's also so much turbulence in the atmosphere that I wouldn't recommend that any craft be in flight mode for more than a few hours. I nearly crashed several times," the helm officer answered.

"We'll take two shuttles, one with a ground side SAR team one with just a pilot. The SAR team will have security and medical personnel only. The chief helm will pilot one of the shuttles, XO you used to be a highly decorated combat pilot, think you remember how?" Alistar asked Valenar.

"I believe I remember how to perform a few basic maneuvers," Innovindil replied with a jokingly feral grin.

"Good. Assemble a team and get prepped. Liftoff is in ten minutes," Alistar ordered.

"Commander, I believe Lieutenant dei’Silvisi should accompany the away team as an observer," Innovindil suggested.

"Agreed, but elevate her status to command trainee and place her in second in command," Alistar said with a nod. He had expected that, even planned to include Silvisi in the SAR mission from the beginning. That taken care of he turned to everyone else. "Engineering, I want full power and warp drive available just in case we need to get out of here quickly. These planets are not friendly when they go unstable and explode, so I don't want to stick around."

"So make sure we have warp drive and engines running. I think we will be able to manage that for you commander," Vaughn said. "As long as ops don’t take our power for some stupid reason."

"If ops needs to draw power for any reason it'll be at my order and I'd remind you of my position in relation to yours, lieutenant commander," Alistar snarled.

Isabella glanced from Commander Vaughn to Commander McKeon with a carefully neutral yet worried expression on her face. Commander Valenar had warned her that there was bad blood between the two, but since the two officers were hardly around each other it hadn't seemed to be much of a problem. Clearly, there was a serious personal issue between the two men, and it was clear from the expressions on everyone else in the room that they had quickly picked up on it as well. The joy she had felt at being named to the SAR mission as a command officer had quickly turned into something very close to worry at the thought of having no one on board to act as a filter between them should any problematic situations arise.

Alistar finally broke his glare with Vaughn and turned to LTJG Eidan. "There are bound to be casualties, so medical is to be on standby."

"Understood," the CMO said.

"Alright people, shuttles launch in ten minutes. Any questions?" Alistar said.

Giving everyone a few seconds to speak up and having no one do so, Alistar nodded. "Let's get to it then. Dismissed."

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
Co, USS Endeavour

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Mark Vaughn

Guest appearances by other npcs


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