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241505.04 CO duty log: Cmdr McKeon

Posted on Tue May 5th, 2015 @ 12:03am by Captain Alistar McKeon

261 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Alistar leaned back on his command chair and watched the command display readouts carefully. He really wasn't enjoying having his ship in orbit of a planet that was in the process of breaking apart, even if it was only the early stages. The fact that transporters couldn't be used either wasn't making him happy either. The overall situation was making him uneasy.

"Sir, sensors are showing extremely violent volcanic eruptions across the far side of the planet. We're having a hard time getting clear readings in some areas due to the ash and debris in the atmosphere," the ops officer reported.

"How long until the away team is in the affected area?" Alistar asked.

"It's difficult to say, but I'd estimated one to three hours. The seismic activity is increasing as well, which means the planet is more than likely about to enter the final stages of breaking apart any time."

"McKeon to away team, you've got two hours to get out of there," Alistar said. When no response came, he glanced over at the ops officer.

"No response sir. The ash and debris particles in the upper atmosphere may be causing interference with the comms. I'm having trouble getting a clear signal on their life signs as well."

"Find a way to boost our signal and get comms with the away team back now," Alistar ordered. Turning back to his monitor, he stared as the visual image displaying the real time camera footage from the sensors played the opening scene for the planets death.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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