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241505.30 Plot Log: Cmdr Alistar McKeon

Posted on Sat May 30th, 2015 @ 8:12pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

372 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

The Endeavour dropped out of warp and slowed to half impulse as the Intrepid class starship neared DS5. Final approach had already been authorized by traffic ops and from the bridge Alistar could tell that the station had already halted all non essential traffic. A few ships were still moving about, but the flight path that the Endeavour had been assigned was clear. For his part, Alistar simply sat in his command chair and watched as the helmsman expertly directed the Endeavour closer to DS5's primary docking ring. There was little for him to do since most of the docking procedures were automatic and handled by the helmsman with assistance from tactical and ops.

"Commander, we're on final approach, station ops has cleared us for docking at docking port 3," the helmsman reported.

"Slow to docking speed, switch to docking thrusters and engage standard docking procedures," Alistar ordered. Glancing over his shoulder to the officer at tactical, he nodded. "Contact flight control and see if they have any information or orders for us."

It took several minutes for the Endeavour to slide up to the docking port that had been reserved for the ship, and it took that long before the communications officer on DS5 to report anything back to the Endeavour. Naturally, the call didn't come over the comm until the Endeavour had finalized docking and had secured a hard seal to the station proper. When it did, Alistar leaned back in his chair and waited as the tactical officer read through the message. Apparently, there was a novice communications officer on duty on the station, because the tactical officer kept shaking his head as he scrolled through the message. Finally, he looked up.

"Sir, we have a number of new personnel who are aboard DS5 and are waiting to board. Also, there's an Admiral Green who wants to see you as soon as we dock," the tactical officer reported.

Alistar sighed and nodded before he glanced over towards Silvisi. "Make sure all of the new crew report in and get settled in. I'll go see what the SFC wants. You have the bridge," he said before he stood and started towards the turbo lift.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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