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SD 241505.27 Joint Log: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Engineer

Posted on Thu May 28th, 2015 @ 4:23am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

1,300 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Isabella finished the last report of the day, signed her name on the Padd and then tossed the stylus onto her desk as she leaned back in her chair. Compared to the captain's ready room, the executive officer's office was small, roughly half the size and with only a side viewing window, but she loved it. The chair was actually twice more comfortable than the one in the chief medical officer's office, and it was quiet. And best of all, there were hardly any interruptions. Isabella closed her eyes and smothered a yawn as she mentally went over the highlights of the report. So far, there had been no major issues in the everyday running of the Endeavour, and Isabella smiled. From what she had seen, there was very little to cause conflict on the Endeavour, and even then, most of it was contained by everyone involved. Opening her eyes, Isabella leaned forward and pressed the save command on the Padd and stood, hoping that nothing would happen that would cause her to have to stay on duty late.

Jera was still bristled up and angry by the time she reached deck one. It pissed her off even more that she as an NCO was doing an officers job in reporting the mistreatment of an entire department, but Vaughn clearly had his bluff in on everyone else. Jera simply didn't care. She had decided that she liked the Endeavour and the crew assigned to her, and she wasn't about to let some pampered ass like Mark Vaughn ruin the assignment any longer. Storming through the corridor, she came to a stop outside the doors marked "Executive Officer" and punched the door chime.

Isabella paused halfway to the door and sighed. She had suspected that there would be something come up that would ruin her plans for the afternoon, but at the same time she reminded herself that she had requested the assignment. The command staff of a starship were, literally, on call at all times and she had known that anything could happen at any time on a Federation starship. Reversing her direction, Isabella returned to her desk and sat down in the chair before calling for the door to open.

Jera stormed through the doors and charged across the office, stopping in front of the office and bracing to attention. "Lieutenant I wish to report that an officer in the engineering department is causing problems for everyone and is acting outside the guidelines set forth for Starfleet officers to abide by."

Isabella raised her eyebrows in surprise. In the very few times she had dealt with the petty officer, she had come to respect Jera Ros as a blunt, straight to the point but honest individual. If the engineer said that there was a problem, then there truly was one, but there was still the matter if Starfleet protocol. "Miss Ros, I appreciate the fact that you wish to report that there is a problem in engineering, but it is proper to address those issues with the chief engineer or your supervising officer," Isabella said.

"The chief engineer is the problem," Jera said simply.

Isabella paused as she thought over the simple statement. For a senior noncommissioned officer to come directly to the first officer and directly state that there was an issue within a department that directly involved that department's senior officer indicated that there was indeed a serious problem. Unfortunately, Isabella wasn't exactly sure how to proceed from that point. If the problem involved any officer or NCO other than the department chief, then there wouldn't have been a problem with Isabella handling the issue. But a department chief was another matter, and after thinking carefully over the situation, Isabella reached up and tapped her commbadge. "dei`Silvisi to McKeon, can you come to my office, commander?"

Having worked a long day writing and filing reports on the Basik mission and reading all of the status reports after that, Alistar had decided to slip out of his ready room and take some a few hours off. A few hours off meaning taking the commbadge off and locking the doors to the holodeck. The Endeavour would arrive at DS5 in just over twelve hours meaning that the crew wouldn't enjoy a few days of R&R before they left again, this time on a real mission, not a shakedown. The growing trouble in the Klingon Empire and the weakened state of the Romulan Empire was getting worse by the day, but the Endeavour had managed to slip the drawing for the upcoming peacekeeping task force that was being put together. So far anyway. So when Silvisi's call for him to head to the XO's office came Alistar sighed and trudged down the corridor past the turbo lift and to Silvisi's office. He entered an override command and walked in, frowning as he noticed a senior NCO from engineering already there. Right away, he guessed that that snake Vaughn was involved.

"Sir, we apparently have a problem with Commander Vaughn," Isabella said as the commanding officer walked through the doors.

"How did I know?" Alistar said as he sat down in a chair. "What's he doing now?"

"He's been assigning everyone double and triple shifts, having enlisted personnel assigned to duties they're either not authorized or not trained for, and generally terrorizing and working everyone to the point that we never seem to leave. He's assigned duties that don't even need to be assigned yet, and he refuses to help or even acknowledge the fact that we're so exhausted we can't keep our eyes open!" Jera snarled.

Isabella nodded and glanced over towards McKeon. "I thought that this would be something I should inform you of, Sir. I'm not sure what to do about the issue."

"What about the other officers?" Alistar asked as he gave a nod towards Silvisi.

"They're too scared to speak out against Vaughn," Jera answered. "The last guy who did ended up in sickbay for a week because a plasma exhaust relay exploded and he burned his lungs."

"I see," Alistar said darkly. "I remember that incident. The report said that the exhaust relay blew because it wasn't properly installed. I'm not an engineer so I didn't question it."

"Relays don't blow in the exhaust system unless there's at least an overload somewhere in the primary system and it's too much for the backups to handle," Jera snorted.

"So it couldn't have been a defective fuse or a shipyard or maintenance screw up?" Alistar asked.

"No sir. I personally went over every inch in the propulsion drives and the entire engineering system after I came aboard at DSFive. I can name three people who can verify that as well," Jera said.

"Well, there's only one thing to do then," Alistar said as he leaned back in his chair. Looking at Silvisi he nodded. "Take a formal statement from Ms Ros and have the yeoman stand in as a witness," he said before tapping his commbadge. "This is Commander McKeon to security. LtCmdr Mark Vaughn is hereby removed as CEO and is to be placed under arrest and into the brig. His security clearance is hereby revoked and I'll see to it that formal charges will be brought up within the hour." standing, Alistar turned towards Ros and nodded. "Petty officer Ros, by the authority granted to me as CO of the USS Endeavour, I hereby grant you a field commission to the rank of acting lieutenant and name you CEO of this ship. You have until we reach DS5 to put your house in order. Don't forget that statement.". With that, Alistar stood and walked out.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer

A Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros
Chief Engineer


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