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241506.13 Plot Log: CO duty log, CMDR McKeon

Posted on Sat Jun 13th, 2015 @ 4:37pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

565 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

The bridge was quiet as Alistar walked out of the turbo lift and onto the bridge. If anyone wondered if he was upset then all they had to do was take one look at their commanding officer to know for sure. His face was an unguarded expression of anger and worry, two things Starfleet officers didn't like to see on the face of a command officer. Silvisi was sitting in her usual seat since she was on bridge duty, but none of the other officers and crewmen on duty was anyone that Alistar recognized. He gave his XO a nod as he sat down. "Prepare for departure, priority sequence," he ordered. "Ops clear the airlock and confirm that the docking hatch is sealed. Tactical, standby to activate primary shields and arm phasers. Helm, set an outbound course, use thrusters until we're clear of the docking arm, then bring us about to a heading of 318 by 083 by 102 and increase speed to full impulse."

There was a pause as the crew took several seconds to allow his orders to sink in. By regulations, only starships heading into combat or wartime operations were allowed to operate with tactical systems online and full impulse speed was never, ever allowed within planetary gravity wells or within the immediate area around a starbase unless there was a declared emergency. The crew all recovered more or less at the same time. Ops reported that the airlock was cleared of personnel and sealed first, while the tactical officer managed to report that shields and phasers were online and standing by at his command in a shaky voice. The helmsman gulped out that he was ready to engage at McKeon's command.

Alistar nodded and took a deep breath before he leaned back in his seat. "All decks go to yellow alert. Helm, take us out. Tactical, as soon as we clear one hundred thousand meters, activate shields and phasers," he ordered. There were a few sharp intakes of breath across the bridge, but everyone went about carrying out their orders. The view screen had a forward view displayed, and Alistar stared at the screen as the Endeavour backed away slowly for an agonizingly long minute before the ship swung about and aligned on the course heading he had ordered. The ships about DS5 suddenly streaked by quickly as the Endeavour suddenly leapt forward at full impulse. Within minutes, the Endeavour had passed by the inner and outer parking orbit lines and the ships drifting along their orbit lines and even passed the outer defense patrol fighters.

"Commander, phasers are online. Primary shields are online and activated," the tactical officer reported.

"Confirm that all decks are at yellow alert," Alistar said.

"All decks confirm to be at yellow alert," the officer reported.

"Helmsman, set a course to Lambda Hydrae, maximum warp, engage when ready," Alistar ordered.

"Um, sir, I'm required to request a confirmation. Did you say Lambda Hydrae?" the helmsman asked.

"Confirmed," Alistar answered.

"Yes sir. Course to Lambda Hydrae at warp 9.9 confirmed and ready. Awaiting your order, sir."

"Engage," Alistar ordered. The Endeavour's warp nacelle pylons folded seconds before leaping forward into warp. Once the stars began to streak past, Alistar turned to Silvisi. "Call all senior officers to the briefing room in one hour," he said. With that, he stood and headed to his ready room.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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