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SD 241506.10 Executive Officer's Personal/Duty Log Lt Isabella dei`Silvisi

Posted on Thu Jun 11th, 2015 @ 2:29am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

555 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Isabella finally reached the end of the report outlining the list of transfers of both people and materials on and off of the Endeavour and groaned as she took a minute to let the contents of the report soak in. The prisoners rescued from the Alexander had been transferred to the security office aboard Deep Space Five, along with a few crewmen who had apparently been arrested shortly after the Endeavour had launched on her previous mission. In addition, there were the usual personnel transfers, both on and off the ship, as well as the materials resupply efforts that were standard operating procedure to conduct every time a starship docked at a starbase. Since this was Isabella's first time to go through the actual paperwork by herself, it was a little overwhelming, especially since there was simply so much paperwork to go through. What made it more difficult was the fact that most of the paperwork was time sensitive and required immediate attention.

Turning her attention back to the report, Isabella frowned as she reread through the highlights. She had understood that the Endeavour wouldn't be docked for very long, and that meant that there wouldn't be time to complete the materials resupply operations. In terms of supplies, Isabella knew that the ship had more than enough, even without looking at the quartermaster's report. The Endeavour had only been out of space dock for a few weeks, and Intrepid class starships carried enough supplies to support a full crew for up to seven years if needed. A few weeks of nonessential supplies wouldn't hurt anything.

Isabella reached out to the keyboard that was built into her desk and tapped in a few notes, mostly that the Endeavour would have to pass on taking in supplies due to time restrictions, and saved it so that the notice would be passed on to the quartermasters on both the Endeavour and Deep Space Five. That done, she turned her attention to the personnel changes. The outgoing crew weren't a problem, mostly because the paperwork there had already been processed nearly a week before. The incoming crew wouldn't be a problem, so long as they hurried up and boarded without holding the Endeavour up. Their paperwork could be processed in flight, as well as any medical evaluations and orientations that would be required. There weren't very many people on the list, so she could only hope that they arrived on time before the Endeavour departed.

With the required paperwork out of her way, Isabella stood and stretched before side stepping around her desk and walking over to the view port. Looking at the clock on the bulkhead by her office view port, she couldn't help but be surprised at how much time she had just spent working on the paperwork. However, there was still plenty of time left before the Endeavour departed for the Klingon and Romulan Neutral Zone, so Isabella decided to make the most of it. Reaching across her desk, she switched her monitor into standby mode and walked out of her office. With nothing to do for at least a couple of hours, Isabella decided that she could catch up on her reading while she had the chance. With that plan firmly in mind, she started off towards her quarters.

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer


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