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Sd 241506.09 Joint log Ceo and Aeo: Ros, Walker

Posted on Wed Jun 10th, 2015 @ 3:47am by Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

643 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Jera yawned as she rubbed her eyes and took a gulp of the coffee she had grabbed from the replicator. It was too early in the morning for her to deal with any form of problems and someone had already reported one before Jera had even arrived in engineering. Both shuttles they had been used in the Endeavour's previous mission hadn't been serviced yet, even though there had been orders to do so, and an inspection the night before had found a serious problem with both. Downing the rest of her coffee, Jera set the cup down and picked up the padd with the inspection report and grimaced. She shook her head and looked up and around engineering until she found Ensign Walker before she walked over to where he was sitting. The assignment of repairing the shuttles had been given to him, although there had been a few problems with the previous management in engineering and the shuttles not being repaired was not Walker’s fault.

"Have you looked at the inspection report for the shuttles?" Jera asked.

"Yeah, I was about to head up to the maintenance shop and take a look," Kev replied. The initial inspection report had not been a fun read for him first thing in the morning. The only thing that didn't need work on either shuttle was the interiors. The engines and drive/propulsion systems were completely gone, and it was due to nothing more than the corrosive elements and particles that had been in the atmosphere, and the nacelles themselves were most likely in need of replacement. It was very labor intensive work as well as tedious and required a lot of careful precision work. It could be done on the Endeavour, they had the industrial replicator, plasma cutting equipment, everything needed to fabricate the parts, and they even had spare parts for some of the more delicate pieces that would require replacing. It was a lot of work though. All in all, everything that was required to repair the shuttles was going to knock both of them out of action for over a week. "I don't suppose we can hang around the starbase and get their help or are we heading right back out?"

"From what I've been told we're heading right back out and straight to the Romulan and Klingon borders," Jera answered. "From the report, I'm estimating that it'll take about 162 hours to fully repair one shuttle. I need both back on active status by the end of the week."

"It'll take a week to repair them," Kev said. "After that we'll have to conduct flight tests and approve them for return to active flight status. And that's only if we don't run into any problems while we're repairing the shuttles. We don't have the people in the repair shop to do that."

"Then pull the damage control and most of the general engineering specialists and reassign them to the repair detail," Jera said bluntly. "We're not flying straight into battle, but we will be in serious trouble if we don't make an effort to repair those shuttles."

"I'll see what I can do, but you're hounding pretty hard over a pair of type8 shuttles," Kev said as he shook his head. He knew the reason why Ros was pushing hard on the matter, and in truth he agreed. The shuttles should had already been at the very least torn down and started on. But still, sometimes Ros just didn't realize that some people weren't workaholics like her. He nodded and picked up a padd with the repair orders and engineering roster. Hopefully, the lieutenant wouldn't mind him finishing the project his way, and if she did, oh well. "I'll get on this right now," Kev said as he walked out of engineering.

Lieutenant Jera Ros
Chief engineer

Ensign Kev Walker


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