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241508.11 CO Personal Log: Cmdr McKeon and Civ tValdran

Posted on Thu Aug 13th, 2015 @ 5:40am by Captain Alistar McKeon

619 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

The forward observation lounge was quiet as Alistar walked through the doors. Most of the crew were either taking time to get a few hours of rest or making preparations for a battle that Alistar hoped wouldn't happen. That left very little for the Endeavour's resident civilian bartender to do other than sit behind the bar and read. Like always, the lighting was dimmed, although a small light by the bar was on. Alistar made his way over and sat down. "I figured you would be with the other civilians," he said as Rhiana glanced up.

"Most of the few civilians that are on board are helping medical. I'm afraid I really don't like the sight of blood. I offered to help security, but there's a small problem with my contract. Something about not being authorized?" Rhiana said as she slid the padd she had been ready away.

"Oh yeah. You have to have a civilian private security license in order to fill in for security," Alistar said. "I doubt the Klingons will try to board us. It'll take too much time and I'm sure if they're planning an invasion they have a time schedule."

"Never under estimate a Klingons desire to gain honor," Rhiana warned. "Capturing an enemy ship through combat and capturing an enemy crew would boost the honor status of any Klingon involved, and it could be used to credit the Klingons if they do launch a war against the Federation."

"You've encountered Klingons before in this kind of situation?" Alistar asked.

"I haven't but I've heard enough stories to know that if something will bring a Klingon honor, then they'll pursue it all the way to their death," Rhiana said flatly.

"Pretty grim way to view an entire species," Alistar said.

"I'm a Romulan. We're a grim species with a long history that involves dealing with the Klingons. What times we haven't been at war with the Klingons we had an uneasy alliance that led to war with them and the Federation. You'll have to excuse me if I have a somewhat narrow view on a lot of things, Alistar. Sometimes, the experiences one goes through during the course of their life makes them somewhat grim," Rhiana said darkly. Her gold eyes seemed to stare off into the distance as she stared past him.

Alistar reached out and grabbed Rhiana's hand, squeezing it gently. "I know how you feel," he said, his voice heavy. "So let me guess. You're going to be in here even if the Klingons attack and board the ship?"

"No, I'll probably be locked in my quarters with my brother's old disruptor. I at least assume I'm allowed to shoot people who break through my door," Rhiana said.

"Still a usable defense in a court of law last time I checked. Just make sure they're inside your quarters and there's not a crew member around," Alistar said as he shook his head.

"I will," Rhiana said. "In fact, I'm going to go ahead and take off early. I doubt anyone is going to be using the lounge for a while."

Alistar nodded and released her hand, watching her as she left the lounge. When the doors slid shut behind Rhiana, Alistar stood and walked behind the bar. Reaching into the mini fridge under the bar, he found a bottle of synthohol Smirnoff black label and a glass. Sitting back down in his chair at the bar, Alistar opened the bottle and poured a glass. Drinking the non alcoholic vodka down, he sighed and checked the time. There was still plenty of time, so he poured a second glass and waited.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour

Rhiana t'Valdran NPC
Civ Bartender


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