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StarDate 241508.10 Joint Log: Executive Officer, Auxiliary Science/Operations Officer

Posted on Mon Aug 10th, 2015 @ 11:01pm by Ensign Elanawen Valenar & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

719 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Preparing a star ship for battle was never an easy task, and Isabella found it to be even more difficult as she went from one department to the next on a readiness inspection. Engineering had already made preparations as best as they could, so she had left from there and visited medical. In several ways, that had been the most difficult stop to make. Isabella had been raised in a family of medical professionals, and she had even graduated college with a medical license, so she understood the darker side of conflict. She had stayed in sickbay for nearly an hour, just talking to the acting chief medical officer and the rest of the medical staff. Her next stop was in the various science labs. While most had been deactivated in order to conserve power, a few remained operational. One lab in particular was her destination, and Isabella noticed the individual she wanted to speak to right away. Walking up to the person, Isabella smiled. "Miss Valenar, do you have a moment?" she asked.

Elanawen glanced up as an officer stepped up to her work station. To her surprise, it was the Executive Officer, which made Elanawen worry. She had never met much less spoken to Lieutenant dei'Silvisi before, and she hoped that she wasn't in any trouble.

"Can I help you, Lieutenant?" Elanawen asked as she set the Padd she had been entering notes into down.

"I wanted to let you know that you'll be assigned to the science station on the bridge when we arrive at Lambda Hydrae. You'll also be on standby to take over for operations if needed," Isabella said.

"I thought I was assigned to monitor the long range sensors," Elanawen said, not understanding fully why she was being moved to a different assignment.

"You will monitor all science and operations systems from the bridge. We're cutting power to all science labs in order to conserve power, and most science personnel are being assigned to either security or medical. Since you're underage, we can't authorize you to perform the duties of either of those departments right now," Isabella said.

"I see," Elanawen said. In truth, she had expected this, but she hadn't expected to be assigned to the bridge. The fact that the Executive Officer had said that she would be monitoring science and operations meant that she would be expected to step up and take over either or both departments if the bridge officer on duty was incapacitated in any way. She nodded slowly as she let that thought sink in.

"The captain and I both feel that you're up to the job, and I have every faith in your abilities," Isabella said.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Elanawen said, smiling at the compliment.

Isabella returned the smile before she continued. "Report to the bridge in three hours. The operations officer will get with you and go over what's expected of you before putting you at a station. I would suggest getting some rest in the meantime, though."

"I will. Thank you, Lieutenant," Elanawen said, trying to curb her enthusiasm and not being very successful. Picking up her Padd, she nodded towards the Executive Officer.

"Is there anything else I need to know?" she asked.

Isabella shook her head as she spoke. "Not at this time. Just report to the operations officer on the bridge in three hours. I'll be on the bridge if you have any questions. For right now, go get some rest. Dismissed, Ensign."

Elanawen offered a nod of acknowledgement before she stepped towards the door. She managed to school her outward expression into a calm professional demeanor, but inside she was both excited and frightened at the same time. Being assigned bridge duty as the primary support and auxiliary officer on duty was a huge acknowledgement on just how much the command staff trusted in her abilities in the science and operations departments. It also meant that she might have to take over and thus be responsible for a major portion of control systems of the entire ship. That sobering thought frightened her. As she headed to her quarters, Elanawen silently hoped that the Klingons didn't attack the Endeavour when the ship arrived at Lambda Hydrae.

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer


Acting Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Auxiliary Science an Operations Officer


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