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Sd 241508.03 CEO duty log Lt Ros

Posted on Tue Aug 4th, 2015 @ 8:20am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

391 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Engineering was buzzing as Jera walked through the blast doors. The recent attack had stirred the hornet nest as far as engineering was concerned. Attacks on the ship usually meant damage, and damage meant that engineering had extra work to do. Fortunately, in this case the Klingons hadn't done much damage. A couple of relays to the shield matrix emitters had shorted out but the backups had kicked in instantly, but there hadn't been any damage done to the hull or internal systems.

"How bad is it boss?" one of the damage control leads asked as Jera stopped at the main control station.

"We're heading back to neutral space, but the captain expects a full on attack by the Klingons when we get there," Jera said.

"So what does that mean for us?" the officer asked.

"That means that for the next four hours, I want engineering run by a skeleton crew. We're probably going to be too busy to rest after we arrive so I want everyone to get some rest. Damage control teams and field specialists take priority, lead officers and NCOs second."

"Who gets to run engineering while we're all napping?" Jera's second in command asked.

"We have a few cadets on board, they haven't done much so far. They can handle running engineering for a few hours," Jera answered. She held her hand up to ward off any complaints or protests before they could be spoken. "I'll assign an officer and an experienced NCO to oversee the cadets during that time. We'll work two two hour shifts, I'll take the second shift. So I need three volunteers."

"I just came on duty, so I'll stay," an ensign who Jera didn't know by name said.

"I'll stay as well," a grizzled looking chief petty officer said.

"Alright, both of you have first shift. Dargos, you'll run the second shift with me," Jera said, glancing over towards the NCO she had called out. The systems specialist seemed to growl but he nodded. "Everyone else, dismissed. Get some rest people."

As everyone filed out of engineering, Jera sighed and waved the two engineers over who would be watching the first shift of cadets. Passing on a few suggestions, she saw that the cadets and their keepers were settled in before she headed to her quarters.

Lt Jera'turak Ros
Chief engineer


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