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241507.29 Joint Log: Commanding and Executive Officers

Posted on Thu Jul 30th, 2015 @ 3:37am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

808 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Isabella sat quietly in her chair and waited until the doors slid shut behind the last officer to leave the briefing room before she sighed and turned towards Commander McKeon. There were few things that she didn't like about her job as executive officer, and playing devil's advocate to her commanding officer's decisions was among them. It was a necessary evil in some instances, however, and in this case she felt that it was needed. As Commander McKeon sat down, Isabella steeples her fingers on the table before she spoke.

"Commander, I won't argue with or against you in front of the others, but I feel that in this situation you're not choosing the right course of action," she said.

Alistar nodded as he leaned back in his chair. He had figured that this conversation would be coming, and he was glad that Silvisi had chosen to go through with it in her usual manner. The fact that it was his XO making a suggestion even made him want to consider the course of action other than the one he had picked.

"We withdrew from combat and are heading to openly declared neutral territory. What else can we do?" he asked.

"We should either regroup with the nearest fleet or send a request for reinforcements to meet us at Lambda Hydrae," Isabella replied, carefully wording her response.

"Both of those won't work," Alistar said. "And I'll tell you why. If we try to regroup with the fleet, we risk provoking the Klingons into thinking that we were a scout for a joint Federation/Romulan incursion into Klingon space. Even if that doesn't happen, we still risk the Klingons attacking the Endeavour en route. If we call for additional ships, then we risk making it looks like we're gearing up for a counter strike. Our presence here is to try to disarm the situation, not give the Klingons an excuse for open war."

"We were attacked by Klingon warships while patrolling the Neutral Zone," Isabella said. "I'd say that the Klingons don't appear to need an excuse for war."

"And by withdrawing to a neutral system inside neutral territory without heading to a military outpost or calling for reinforcements, we're avoiding being played into their plan, if that is the case," Alistar said. "Kur'vagh can only cement his position by one of two ways. He can kill Martok in personal combat or he can prove that Martok's rule was weak by launching a war and proving that the Klingons would become more powerful with him in charge. Starfleet has openly stated that we're here for peaceful purposes only. It won't take much for the Klingons to find an excuse to launch an offensive, we have to do everything we can to prevent that."

"And if the Klingons attack us in Lambda Hydrae?" Isabella asked, nodding her head as she began to comprehend just how complex the situation was.

"If they attack us, then we deal with it," Alistar said. "Our orders are to avoid starting a war, but we will defend ourselves. I want to give the Klingons every way out of a fight if it's possible."

"What happens if it comes down to a firefight and we can't win?" Isabella asked, repressing a shudder. She had seen firsthand what happened to the crews of starships that fought against the Klingons and lost. The memory was extremely unpleasant.

"We run," Alistar answered simply. "Lieutenant Sato was right about one thing. The Klingon ships we can't outfight, we can outrun, even at sub light speeds. I have no desire to let it get that far though."

Isabella nodded. "I trust you, Commander, and I'll support your decisions, but I wanted to voice my concerns. I hope I haven't stepped outside my limits as your first officer."

"You're doing your job, Isabella," Alistar said as he waved his hand to dismiss any concerns his XO had. "A good XO has to be willing to step up and give their opinion, but also be willing to carry out their CO's orders even if they disagree with them. I'll listen to anything you have to say, but I expect the same in return."

"You have a deal," Isabella said as she offered McKeon a smile. Standing, she straightened her uniform jacket. "With your permission, I'd like to oversee the defensive preparations."

"Dismissed, and thank you XO," Alistar said. As Silvisi left, he leaned back in his chair and relaxed a little as he let his mind wander a bit. His thoughts went to the crew as a whole, and he nodded to himself. The Endeavour had come a long way, and he was glad that the crew was coming together. Standing, he hid a smile as he walked to the doors.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


Lieutenant Isabella deiā€˜Silvisi
Executive Officer


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