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SD 241508.15 CMO Duty Log: Doctor C. Landon

Posted on Sat Aug 15th, 2015 @ 9:32pm by Ensign Corrigan Landon

728 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

All they could really do is sit and wait.

Waiting was always the hardest part, the calm before the storm. There were no guarantees concerning any of this. There was no doubt that they were heading into a very dangerous situation. Though, Corrigan had faced dangerous situations in the past, but every new situation brought a new set of problems. Despite being the new officer on the block, he had enough experience to know how to put a plan of action into place. He had familiarized himself with the specs of the Intrepid-class rather quickly, and knew a cargo bay could be converted to a triage center if need be. He just hoped it didn’t come to that.

Corrigan looked out into the main sickbay ward from his office. Despite the smallish nature of sickbay, he did like how the new office was. It was circular, and it gave him a good view of both the main ward, surgical bay, and on the opposite side, the medical lab as well. The design was… efficient. It meant he could work at his desk, and still keep an eye on things. Plus, being sandwiched in between the lab and sickbay meant he could get to either within seconds. The only downfall was that it did lack privacy, which meant it would be hard to have a doctor/patient consultation. Though, in hindsight, no one should be eavesdropping anyway.

But, back to the issue at hand, and that was casualties. He had been a late arrival, a swap out with the previous chief medical officer. He was still unclear as to why there was a swap out, but he didn’t question it. Nevertheless, he came at a time when the Endeavour was going to be going into a battle situation… or well possible battle situation. A battle situation meant that casualties were pretty much guaranteed. That was always a grim thought, a thought doctors hated to even think about. Doctors though were trained to prepare for this, and prepared he was.

Everyone was already assigned their duties, all med kits were checked, and rechecked to be sure that all the basics were in each kit. There were secured med stations all over the starship if needed. Cargo bay two could also be used, and secured if needed. There were other areas, such as the mess hall, and a holodeck to use, but he didn’t feel those would be necessary. The projections he ran were only worse case scenarios, if all 150 some odd crew needed medical attention, it would mean the Endeavour was going to be in a fairly bad shape.

He would use – and this made him cringe – the EMH if needed. He tried to be open-minded about such things, but like most doctors in the fleet, was not fond of the holographic medical doctor. Some of that had to do with pride, some thought they were going to eventually be replaced, others (and Corrigan was in this camp) thought an EMH lacked the personal touch and compassion a flesh and blood doctor could give. Though, Corrigan’s pride and ego wasn’t so big that he wouldn’t use the hologram if needed. Above all else, the patient came first, all other concerns were secondary.

Corrigan still had some time, so he sat down at his desk. The new chair would take some getting used to, but he didn’t envision himself sitting at the desk that often. “That’s if I am still living after Lambda Hydraea,” he mumbled to himself as he activated his desk console. Another grim thing to be done was update ‘the letter’, the letter was something people who served in Starfleet typically composed. It was essentially a good bye, last will and testament kind of thing. His just needed to be updated to reflect his service on the Endeavour, and that he had items – that yet to be unpacked – in his quarters. It took him all but a few minutes to finish that up, save, and place into his personal file.

He lifted himself up from his chair then exited his office. Now, once again, it was the waiting game. To keep himself busy he would go over his plan, but until then he would wait like the rest of his staff.


Lieutenant Corrigan Landon, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer


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