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SD 2401508.13 Joint Log: Chief Medical Officer & Commanding Officer

Posted on Tue Aug 18th, 2015 @ 4:43am by Ensign Corrigan Landon & Captain Alistar McKeon

1,346 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Doctor Corrigan Landon strode steadily down the slightly curved corridor of deck five. He hadn't been on board long, he just barely settled in really, but he had yet to even get with the commanding officer. It wasn't that he was avoiding the other man, that was furthest from the truth. Corrigan just wanted to get situated first. It wasn't easy to join a crew after a mission was already on it's way. However, he couldn't really put this off any longer. Not that he found meeting a CO annoying, he just felt his time could be used more efficiently. Though, as a department head, it was important to meet the CO.

It didn't take long to get to the ready room. Instead of getting to the ready room via the bridge, he opted to come up to the deck and enter through the other ready room door. While on duty, he typically wore the vest variant of the uniform, but since he was meeting the CO, he grabbed his uniform jacket. He slid it on, zipped up, then tugged at the hem to straight it. Once satisfied with his appearance, Corrigan reached up and rang the chime.

Alistar had barely made it back to his ready room from the lounge when the door chime rang out. Frowning, he checked the time before he shrugged and continued to his desk. For once, his desk wsn't covered in padds, plates, and cups. He had managed to catch up on all of his paperwork shortly after the Endeavour had left DS5, and so far there hadn't been anything out of the usual happen to warrant an overload of reports. There was no doubt, Alsitar thought, that after the little skirmish with the Klingons there would be a few extra reports. There would be even more if the Endeavour was attacked in Lambda Hydrae. Sitting down behind his desk, Alistar reached out and pressed the control panel built into his desk and opened the door.

"Come in," he called as he turned and stared at the replicator.

The doors parted with a soft hydrolic hiss, and Corrigan stepped fully into the ready room. He straightened his posture immediately, standing at attention. He kept his gaze forward, but not before he took a quick glance at his new CO. "Doctor Corrigan Landon, reporting for duty." His own voice was baritone, but yet there was a gentleness to it that conveyed his kind nature.

"Ah, yes, Lt Landon!" Alistar said as he stood and took a step forward to offer his hand. "I was thinking about getting something to drink. You want anything?"

Corrigan relaxed his shoulders, and took the offered hand to give a firm handshake. He gave a nod to the question after he released his hand from the Captain's. "Red leaf tea, please."

Alistar nodded and turned to the replicator to order the drinks. "I was told that they pretty much grabbed you from your previous ship and dropped you off on the Endeavour just before we left DS5. I hope we haven't scared you by throwing you off in the deep end. So far it seems that the Endeavour gets her fair share of the action."

"Scared? No. Surprised? Definitely yes, but that is okay," Corrigan said simply. The clarify, he continued, "I was on the Agamemnon for ten years, honestly I didn't expect the transfer." Which, of course, was the absolute truth. "I'm glad to be here, and will gladly go wherever Starfleet feels they need me most." All he had heard was that there was going to be a swap out, that was it. Any other person would have questioned, Corrigan wanted to, but it didn't really matter even if he did. The transfer was going to happen.

"To be honest, I requested a CMO with experience and someone who I wouldn't have to worry about losing to another ship for a while," Alistar said as he turned from the replicator. He handed the other officer his drink and waved for him to sit down before he sat down behind his desk and took a sip of his own drink. "Ten years on board the same ship is not unheard of. I was on the Defiance for almost that long. I know how easy it is to get settled in on being on the same ship for so long."

Corrigan took a hold of the mug, the spicy scent of the red leaves wafted up to his nostrils via the steam. It was a smell he adored, it truly was one of his favorite teas. He took the offered seat, took a sip of the steaming hot tea, and nodded to the Captain's comment. "Quite easy actually," he commented. He smiled over the rim of the clear mug. He certainly had the experience, he had been practicing medicine for nearly 15 years now. "Well, no worries, sir. I tend to like to stay put unless I am being transferred by the powers that be." The one thing he certainly could be counted on was consistency, and stability.

"Well, I hope you enjoy being here on the Endeavour, Doctor. The medical staff on board is small, but most of them seem to be good people. Although our EMH may give you a headache or two. I hear it's a royal pain," Alistar said as he sipped at his tea.

No doubt it is, Corrigan thought to himself. He thought back to the EMH on the Agememnon, he all but had the thing deactivated when he took over as CMO. "I'm sure they are, and I look forward to working with them," he said. His experience was crucial in this regard since he had worked with large medical staffs, and small ones.

Alistar nodded as he finished his drink. Setting the glass down, he leaned back in his chair. "If you have any problems, do let me or Lieutenant Silvisi know. Also, if you have any questions about medical, the XO may be able to help answer them," he said.

Corrigan nodded as well. "Alright, thank you, sir," he said after he sipped his tea once again. He wasn't entirely sure how the XO could help, unless said person had been a doctor before becoming the XO. He wouldn't question it, but it did leave him curious.

"Any time," Alistar said with a nod. "By the way, while I've got you here. What is sickbay's readiness status?"

"Sickbay is ready for anything that is thrown at us. We have all the supplies we need, and everyone knows their role," Corrigan said. "I'm one hundred percent confident we can handle any large scale medical emergencies that may happen."

"Good," Alistar said. "I'm hoping you and your staff won't have much to do, and I'll certainly do my best to avoid giving you guys an overload, but we are facing Klingons and I honestly don't have much hope for avoiding a battle."

Corrigan nodded. He didn't have much hope that a battle would be avoided, but there was still that sliver of hope, nevertheless. "All we can do is be prepared," he said. He took another sip of tea, which brought him to the last dregs of the delicious, spicy tea. He felt the conversation was coming to a natural conclusion.

"Well, I won't keep you any longer," Alistar said as he stood and offered his hand again. "Welcome on board the Endeavour, Doctor."

Learning forward, Corrigan slid the almost empty mug onto the desk, then stood to take a hold of the offered hand. Once again, he gave the other man's hand a firm shake then let the hand slip from his own. "Thank you, sir," Corrigan said. He offered a small smile, a tip of his head, then turned on his heel to head out of the ready room. He would head back to sickbay, and make sure once again they were ready. That was all he could really do right now.


Lieutenant Corrigan Landon, MD
Chief Medical Officer


Commander Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer



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