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Sd 241512.22 Joint log: Commanding and Executive Officers

Posted on Wed Dec 23rd, 2015 @ 7:44am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

965 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Isabella watched as Lieutenant Sato left the commanding officer's ready room, her mind racing over the list of punishments that Commander McKeon had just ordered. She couldn't help but notice that he had been quick to make up his mind on the list of punishments for everyone involved in the criminal activities, and without a formal hearing or even a Captain's Mast. Despite being one of the most unusual commanding officers she had ever served with, Isabella had never known McKeon to do anything without at least following procedure. Once the doors slid closed behind the security chief, Isabella turned and faced McKeon with a raised eyebrow. Leaning back in her chair, she crossed her legs and waited for him to speak.

Alistar watched the doors slide shut and mentally sighed before he turned towards his XO. Seeing her expression, he sighed out loud. "Alright, what is it?" he asked, his voice a half growl.

"I would have thought that you would have at least given everyone involved a chance to speak in their own defense. Regulations clearly state that a formal hearing be held before judgment and punishment is given. You seemed to simply jump ahead to rendering the punishment without hearing the specifics of the crime, much less a testimony from the accused. You also skipped informing the accused of their punishment in person," Isabella said.

"Commander, I'm more forgiving than most captains. But I've had it up to here with Starfleet sending us the ones that barely scrape by the background checks or the trouble makers," Alistar said, holding his hand up level with his eye. "Since I've taken command we've had a series to criminal activities on this ship and it's going to stop. One way or another."

"Is that why you're giving a Starfleet officer a dishonorable dismissal from service, because you're fed up with the Starfleet Office of Personnel?" Isabella shot back with slightly more rancor in her voice than she intended. "Or is it because you're simply trying to make a point?"

"I'm giving a Starfleet officer a dismissal from service because he is an officer who was involved in criminal activities while on duty instead of reporting those activities to ship security. Officers are held to a high standard, commander. We took an oath, we're supposed to set an example to everyone else. And I'm not going to tolerate anyone who just feels like they can break the rules anytime they feel like it. There are rules to breaking the rules," Alistar snapped.

"So you're trying to make a statement," Isabella said, her tone calm and collected. "Alistar, I'm not attacking you or your decisions. I'm trying to see why you're doing this in the manner its being done. As long as I've been your first officer, you've always done things by Starfleet regulations. You're skipping a few pages by jumping straight to the 'Lets hang them' part and I want to know why. I'm owed that much, at least."

Alistar sighed and groaned. His XO was right. She frequently was. "I want this ship and crew to be the best it can be. What the crew does off duty is their business as long as they're not caught doing something illegal. If that ever happens, then they will deal with the consequences. But conducting illegal activities while on duty is inexcusable. We all took an oath. As Starfleet personnel, we are required to live by a certain code of conduct. Officers are bound by this more but all personnel who wear this uniform are required to stay in line with Starfleet regulations. And I intend to see to it that my crew knows that I'm serious. My crew will do their duties as Starfleet personnel or I'll replace them with a crew that will."

Isabella silently nodded her head, unable to say anything for several minutes. There wasn't much that could be said, in every point that McKeon had just made she knew he was right. But at the same time, she was in the right as well. There were regulations, and those regulations had to be followed by everyone, especially by the officers at the highest point of authority. "I'll speak to the crew who are under house arrest with Lieutenant Sato, just so that we don't violate any regulations. As for the officers, that should come directly from you. I would also recommend he be stripped of his rights as an officer until we return to port," she finally said.

"Alright. Pass that on to Sato. I'll draw up the paperwork," Alistar said.

"There is still the matter of the individuals in the brig," Isabella said, fighting off her curiosity to ask about Ensign Sizb.

"I'll keep them in there until they can be handed over for a formal hearing and sentencing. But sentencing for the other stands," Alistar said.

"I agree," Isabella said as she stood. "I'll get started with the crew under house arrest and stop by the brig later on. Is that all, Commander?"

"That's all. And Isabella?" Alistar said quietly. "Thank you."

Isabella gave the commander a friendly smile. "It's my job. Besides, I have to play devil's advocate every once in a while. Otherwise you would forget your place," she said with a light laugh.

"Get out of here," Alistar said with a slightly friendly growl to his voice. Shaking his head, he watched his XO leave the ready room before he sighed and turned towards the computer monitor. He might as well make an official notice on the ships log before he contacted Starfleet Command. There were some days he wished he commanded something small and unmanned. Settling into his chair, Alistar brought up the ships log and started typing. It was going to be a long day.


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