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StarDate 241512.21 Joint Log: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, and Chief of Security and Tactical

Posted on Tue Dec 22nd, 2015 @ 4:54am by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

840 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Akira had left the scene of the most recent interesting and illegal side activity and headed straight to the bridge. At this time in the morning, both of the ships command officers were there. Stepping out of the turbo lift onto the bridge, Akira sighed as she stepped up to the captain.

"Sir, I need to speak to you and the first officer about a situation," she said.

Alistar had been enjoying the morning. A cup of coffee and a brief workout followed by a shower and bridge duty had been how his day had started. So far it had been quiet, and nice. Clearly he should have gone straight to his ready room and started on paperwork. The tone in his security chief's voice told him that this was not going to be fun. "Alright. XO, you might as well come hear what this is about too," he said as he stood and headed to his office.

Isabella nodded and stood, following Commander McKeon to his ready room. She paused briefly and indicated for Lieutenant Sato to go ahead in front of her before she turned towards the officer on watch. "You have the bridge. Hold all routine calls for all three of us until further notice. If it's an emergency go ahead and notify us," she said. The officer nodded, and Isabella moved on towards the ready room door. Once inside, she started towards an empty chair and sat down.

"Alright, what's going on this time?" Alistar asked as they all sat down. Inside he was wondering what it could be.

"Some of the engineers set up an illegal and unauthorized gambling establishment in one of the deep storage locker compartments on Deck Thirteen," Akira reported, her voice a monotone as she gave her report.

"Lieutenant Ros reported that several engineers had reported for duty this morning and then disappeared, all of them to that particular section of the ship. She investigated, discovered the illegal activities, and immediately called security. Ensign Sizb was the first officer on the scene. I arrived shortly after. I ordered the three ringleaders to be placed in the brig and everyone else to be placed under house arrest until further notice."

Isabella resisted the urge to stare openly at the chief security officer. There were always some form of underground and slightly illegal activities that happened below decks on starships, it was simply unavoidable, but at least most of the activities were done during off duty hours and always somewhere where the threat of being discovered was minimal. This recent report, doubled with the report of what had happened shortly after the Endeavour had launched, made her wonder how many of the crew had even passed their background checks. The activities were simply too high to illegal to risk being caught, simply because the consequences were so severe, yet the crew was still taking the risks.

Alistar sighed as he thought over what Sato had just reported to him. It was always something that was never easy or simple to deal with. "I take it we know who was involved in setting this latest scheme up?" he asked.

"According to Lieutenant Ros, Lieutenant Scott and Crewmen Rakes and Fuller were involved in setting things up or at least helping to keep it going," Akira replied.

"I take it those are the ones in the brig?" Alistar asked.

"Yes Sir. I ordered Ensign Sizb to take them to the brig and keep an eye on them," Akira said with a nod.

Alistar almost chuckled. Sizb was far from your conventional Gorn or even security officer for that matter. "Alright. Leave them there for now. I'll decide what to do with them later. The rest are all engineers, roughly how many?"

"There were seven. One officer, one senior ranking noncommissioned officer, one junior noncommissioned officer, four junior enlisted crewmen," Akira answered, recalling the list of names and ranks she had memorized.

"All right. Both NCOs are to be busted back down to crewman first class and forfeit all pay and allowances for five weeks. The officer is to be given a formal reprimand and will be placed on double shifts for the duration of this mission, with a general dismissal from service when we return to a Starfleet installation. The other crewmen are to be transferred to rotating shifts with short turnarounds for the next three weeks and forfeit their pay for four weeks. The three in the brig I'll deal with later. For now, tell Ensign Sizb to keep them entertained. And use those exact words. That will be all lieutenant. Dismissed," Alistar said.

Akira stood and braced to attention before spun about and stepped towards the door. The list of punishments was burned into her brain, although she was confused about why the captain would want her to word Ensign Sizb's orders to watch the prisoners a certain way. As she left the ready room and started off towards the turbo lift, Akira wondered just what was in store for the Endeavour next.


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