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SD 241512.19 Joint Log: Chief of Security and Tactical and Chief Engineer with various N.P.C.s

Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2015 @ 4:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Sizb

780 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Akira had started her day with a short run around the ship with the day shift security officers before she headed up to the bridge. The teams were shaping up nicely, and were even taking on the extra training she had been assigning with greater ease. They were almost up to her standards, which were already high. The response times were getting better, although the run time had been slow that morning.

But, it was a good start to the day as she slid into her seat at the Security and Tactical console on the bridge. In fact, Akira was hoping that it would be a nice quiet day. That was quickly shattered by the chief engineer's voice.

"Ros to security send a detail to deck 13, storage locker 3-C, and you might want to hurry."

Akira glared at the console board for a moment before she sighed and tapped the security channel communications controls.

"Ensign Sizb, take your team down and investigate. I'm on my way," Akira said before she stood.

On deck fourteen, Ensign Sizb, hearing his new orders, instantly bolted forward. The two crewmen who made up his security team groaned and followed suit. It was a seven minute run to get to the storage locker, and there were officers and crewmen trying to get away when they arrived. Sizb grabbed the first officer he came to and started snagging the others as he walked up to the storage locker.

Jera had changed her mind and instead of waiting in engineering, she had turned at the end of the corridor and propped up against the bulkhead to watch. In minutes, a Gorn and two security guards had arrived and Jera smiled. This was going to get good, she told herself. There was only one Gorn officer on the ship, and he has already an interesting reputation.

By the time Akira had arrived, Ensign Sizb and his team had already placed the group of engineers under arrest and were prowling through the storage locker. Silently cursing the fact that she had missed all the fun, the Japanese officer stepped inside the locker and sighed as she saw what was there.

"Alright, someone had better start talking," she said as she stepped back out into the corridor.

"Lieutenant Sato, they told me that Lieutenant Scott set this up," Jera said as she walked up towards the shorter officer. "Crewmen Rakes and Fuller were standing guard outside, the rest were inside."

"That makes Scott guilty of setting up an illegal gambling establishment on a Starfleet ship and Rakes and Fuller are guilty of withholding information of illegal activities. The rest are simply guilty of partaking in illegal activities aboard ship. I'll have to report this to the captain. In the meantime, your people are going to be placed under arrest," Akira said.

"All of them to the brig?" Sizb asked excitedly.

"No. Scott, Rakes, and Fuller are to be taken to the brig. The rest can be places under house arrest with a security guard outside their quarters for now," Akira replied.

The Gorn officer nodded and prodded his three newest charges off down the corridor. If there was one thing he loved, it was having prisoners in the brig. Akira almost felt sorry for the three. After a moment, she turned to the other security personnel.

"Place everyone else under house arrest in their quarters until further notice. I want one guard placed outside their quarters until further notice," Akira said. Turning towards the chief engineer, she raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"They reported in for their shift this morning, and then they all disappeared. Naturally, I tracked them down and found this. I called security as soon as I could," Jera said.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to join in the game yourself," Akira said as she started off down the corridor.

Jera rolled her eyes as she fell in step beside the shorter woman. "I only enjoy legal poker games. And ones where the stakes are worth the risk of losing a few hundred credits. And only when I'm of duty," she said.

"I'll keep that in mind. I'll have to report this to the captain immediately. With luck, you're only going to lose three engineers for a while," Akira said.

"Just keep me informed, that's all I ask," Jera said as they arrived at a turbolift door. "I'd like to know if I'm going to have to replace some of my staff."

Akira stepped inside the turbo-lift and turned to face the chief engineer. After thinking over the request for a moment, she nodded.

"I'll see what I can do," she promised before the turbo-lift doors slid shut.


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