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SD 241601.11 Joint Log: Chief Engineer and Science/Operations Cadet

Posted on Tue Jan 12th, 2016 @ 6:47am by Ensign Elanawen Valenar & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

704 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Elanawen hummed softly as she drummed her fingers on the edge of the operations console. She was just a little bored, the excitement of the morning worn off by the fact that the discovery of the Carolina has been dulled by the Ferengi. If there were ever a species that Elanawen would admit to disliking, the Ferengi would be the one. There were ok individuals, of course, but the majority was anything but ok. Anyone else would have handed the Carolina over, but the Ferengi just had to use the situation in order to gain profit.

Her dislike wasn't limited by their greed either. Elanawen had a strong dislike towards women being treated as objects, and the Ferengi objectified women as nothing more than pleasurable property. She got her personal feelings and view points from her mother, Elanawen knew, and it didn't help that her home world had such a strong stance on equality for both genders. How the Ferengi could be allowed to get away with treating people like property was beyond Elanawen's understanding, but she was a member of Starfleet and thus bound to at least be tolerant. It was for this reason alone that Elanawen was simply minding her own business at the moment.

Jera left the captains ready room and strode across the bridge. One hour to assemble a team and the gear she would need to get a 95 year old rust bucket star ship running again wasn't much forewarning and she wasn't happy about the assignment either. Now, she had to babysit a cadet who had no field experience and whose training was through the online subspace Academy classes. Walking up to Valenar, Jera caught the young woman's attention. "You've been assigned to my away team. Get your gear and assemble in transporter room two in one hour," she said before she turned and headed to the turbo lift.

"Away team? What away team?" Elanawen asked as she followed after the chief engineer. The regular operations officer stapled up to take over operations as she stepped away.

Jera sighed and waited until she and the cadet were both in the turbo lift car before she spoke. "The captain ordered me to put together a team to sneak over and get the Carolina running again. We don't really have a plan in place, so we're going to have to wing it when we get over there. What's your qualification with a phaser?"

"I'm not qualified on any fire arms yet," Elanawen replied quietly.

Jera stared at the cadet for a moment before she nodded. She had halfway expected that. "Alright. We'll have security officers with us, so I'll make sure that they know you'll be unarmed. I want you to follow any orders you're given if we get into a firefight. Just what are you qualified for?"

"Basic and advanced sciences, operations, and piloting. I was supposed to try to get to security training next month," Elanawen answered.

"Hm. So in theory you can pilot a star ship?" Jera asked.

"I'm rated for most medium class star ships less than five hundred meters and everything listed for third tier. I was working on my forth tier rating when we started the survey," Elanawen said proudly. The tier system was a rating system that basically stated what ship classes and types that an officer had proven to be capable of handling during a variety of situations. It wasn't exactly a sound system of measuring an officer's capabilities, but it did count towards some things such as assignment and postings.

Jera nodded in approval. "Then I definitely want you on my team. Your job is going to be to assist in repairs and then to pilot that ship to the nearest starbase. Think you can do that?"

"I'll need to bring a current star map and a couple of charts. Those ships sometimes had to be manually navigated. It'll take a while, but I can do it," Elanawen said.

"Then it sounds like we may be able to pull this off," Jera said. "Get everything you need and report to transporter room two in one hour."

"Yes, Ma'am," Elanawen said, hiding her excitement at being assigned to her very first away mission.


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