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SD 241601.16 Joint Log Part I: Commanding officer, Executive officer, Chief Security/Tactical officer, various NPCs

Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2016 @ 6:29am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato
Edited on on Sun Jan 17th, 2016 @ 6:30am

987 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Alistar grumbled as he walked to the pilots briefing room. A small ward room situated in an alcove between the shuttle bay and the shuttle storage bay, the briefing room was largely ignored on Intrepid class star ships. If anything, it was often used as a staging room for away missions involving shuttlecraft or a waiting area. Today, the briefing room on the Endeavour was bring used for a somewhat undiplomatic diplomatic meeting and it was not something Alistar was looking forward to. He had insisted that LtCmdr Silvisi and Lt Sato be present at the meeting with this Ferengi named Nok, just because they might be able to prevent their captain from trying to murder the large eared troll if the meeting didn't go well.

Isabella had gone ahead to meet the Endeavour's visitor when he arrived. She knew that it was a calculated insult to a Ferengi to be greeting by an underling, especially if that underling was a female who was in any position of authority. The manner in which the Ferengi viewed and treated women of any species was well known to any Starfleet officer. Female Starfleet cadets actually spent several days in a sexual harassment based class that was geared towards interactions with other alien species, and the subject of how to deal with the Ferengi was one that took several hours. Since her time at the Academy, Isabella had learned that sometimes, you had to be less than polite in order to deal some situations. She had no doubt that this would one such instance.

Standing in the shuttle bay, Isabella watched as a battered Ferengi shuttle touched down onto the deck. Taking a quick moment to get a decent look at the craft, she carefully gave the shuttle a visual inspection and frowned as she noticed that there were no registry markings, nothing to signal the craft's ownership or allegiance. The lack of markings and condition of the craft made Isabella think first of pirates or smugglers. Ferengi were notorious for being both, but being this far from their home territory made Isabella wonder if this particular criminal had violated some form of his own species' laws. Even most Ferengi criminals had the backing of their government and marked their ships with the symbols of their home world. It was an interesting observation to take note of.

As the boarding hatch opened, Isabella stiffened as the Ferengi named Nok and a pair of aliens she couldn't identify emerge from the shuttle. Both of the aliens were clearly bodyguards and were heavily armed. The Ferengi saw Isabella and smiled as he studied her before hobbling over towards her.

"Ah, I see the brave Starfleet captain has presented me with a fine gift. Would you mind taking off that disgusting uniform and letting me see the rest of my nightly entertainment, female," he said.

"Sir, I am Lieutenant Commander Isabella DeĆ­Silvisi, executive officer of the Endeavour. If you would, please come with me. The captain is waiting," Isabella said formally.

Clearly not amused by her formality or the apparently clear disgust which Isabella tried but couldn't hide, Nok nodded. "Fine, fine. I'm sure my bodyguards will have to remain in my shuttle," he said.

"Yes, Sir. *Inside* the shuttle," Isabella said very pointedly.

The Ferengi said something Isabella couldn't understand, but the two aliens returned to the shuttle and sealed the hatch. Once the hatch had hissed closed, Isabella turned. "This way," she said before she led the disgustingly leering Ferengi to the shuttle bay wardroom. The trip didn't take long, for which she was grateful, and she was even more grateful to see Lieutenant Sato standing beside the door. Coming to a stop, Isabella nodded stiffly. "Lieutenant. A mister Nok, here to see the captain," she said.

"So I see," Akira said in a dismissal tone. Her stance was clear, she didn't like the Ferengi and she didn't like him being on the Endeavour. The Type II hand phaser clipped to her belt was an obvious sign of that. Without another word, she turned and opened the wardroom.

Alistar was seated at the only desk in the wardroom. There was a single uncomfortable chair for Nok and chairs for Silvisi and Sato on either side. As the doors opened and his officers entered with Nok, Alistar narrowed his eyes as he studied his two officers before he turned his attention towards Nok. He made no effort to stand. "Mr Nok. Let's get straight to the point," Alistar said.

"Not so fast," Nok said as he pulled himself into the uncomfortable chair and grimaced at the stiff chair. "I want both of your females. I'll accept both of them as a down payment for that ship."

"Out of the question," Alistar said. "My officers will remain out of negotiations and if you think to mention them as property again I'll personally throw you out the nearest airlock."

"Please do," Isabella muttered loudly enough so that everyone could hear. She knew that the Ferengi universal translator wouldn't be able to translate what she had said, but Commander McKeon and Lieutenant Sato's translators would. From a diplomatic point of view, it could be viewed as bad form, but so far the Endeavour didn't have a diplomatic officer on board and she doubted that her commanding officer would mind much. From what she had observed of the Endeavour's captain, he disliked the Ferengi even more.

Nok gave the human female that had spoken such a look that he actually sneered. It was clear that he was being more polite than he wanted to be. Turning back to the only other male in the room, he smiled falsely. "Now captain, there's no need to be rude. I'm sure we can work out a deal. If females are not going to be part of your payment, then I need something that speaks of high value."



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