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SD 241601.16 Joint Log Part II: Commanding officer, Executive officer, Chief Security/Tactical officer, various NPCs

Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2016 @ 6:30am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato
Edited on on Sun Jan 17th, 2016 @ 6:31am

1,075 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Nok gave the human female that had spoken such a look that he actually sneered. It was clear that he was being more polite than he wanted to be. Turning back to the only other male in the room, he smiled falsely. "Now captain, there's no need to be rude. I'm sure we can work out a deal. If females are not going to be part of your payment, then I need something that speaks of high value."

Akira smiled thinly as she heard the Executive Officer's translated response. She was mildly surprised at the sheer impoliteness that the lieutenant commander was showing towards the Ferengi, but Akira was sure that something she hadn't observed had happened that had riled the first officer up. It was also nice to see that the Executive Officer had the preverbal fangs and was clearly willing to use them when provoked.

"Name your price," Alistar said, leaning back in his chair and turning his gaze towards his fingernails. From the corner of his eyes, he kept a close watch on the Ferengi and his every move.

"This is a Starfleet ship. You have many things of value. Such as.....weapons. Phasers, photon torpedoes, dilithium crystals, shuttlecraft, anything that I'm sure you can find a suitable replacement for," Nok said.

"I'm afraid that Starfleet regulations forbid me from giving weapons supplies and any other similar supplies to even Federation members without permission. Would you like to hear my counter proposal?" Alistar said.

"Of course," Nok said with another false smile that he hoped would cover his disappointment.

"You get your people off of the Carolina and leave this system, and I won't blow either of those junk heaps out of the sky," Alistar said.

"You're bluffing," Nok said. "You wouldn't dare do anything like attack my ships. Your precious Starfleet rules won't allow it. You can't attack a legal civilian salvage operation."

"No, but I can attack pirates in possession of Starfleet and Federation property," Alistar said coldly.

Nok exploded to his feet. "You dare to call me a pirate you hopped up hairless ape! You dare! Do you know who I am? I'll be filing an official protest with your government about this. This isn't over!"

Akira stiffened at the Ferengi's outburst and her hand instantly slid towards her phaser. Wrapping her fingers around the hand grip, she silently watched as she thumbed the power setting to a high level stun setting.

Isabella took a reflective step back away from the Ferengi and caught a sign of movement from the corner of her eye. Turning slightly, her eyes caught sight of Lieutenant Sato and her hand on her hand phaser. Deciding that it would be best to not be in the possible line of fire if the security officer decided that their impolite guest needed a short nap, Isabella diplomatically moved to stand beside Commander McKeon. From her new position, she was both safe from catching a phaser beam and she gave the appearance and promise of supporting her captain should anything resembling a fight occur.

"Sit. Down!" Alistar growled. The movement of both of his officers didn't go unnoticed by him. He also noted that his XO had moved so that if Sato fired and missed, he would catch a stray beam. Clever woman, he thought.

Nok glared angrily and remained standing. "If want a price? Fine, I'll give you one. If you show me one hundred thousand bars of gold pressed latnium then I'll consider selling that ship to you."

Alistar stood and leaned across the table. "Get the hell off of my ship," he snarled. "I don't make deals with criminals."

Nok turned and kicked the chair he had been sitting in across the room before he stormed out of the wardroom and back to his shuttle.

Her hand on her hand phaser, Akira fell in behind the Ferengi at a short distance and followed him back out into the shuttle bay. She wanted to make sure that he returned to his shuttle and got off of the ship.

Alistar shook his head and turned towards his XO. "I suggest we get to the bridge. I want you to check in on Ros' team and make sure they're ready."

"Where are Lieutenant Ros and her team?" Isabella asked, raising one of her eyebrows in an effort to add an unspoken query as to the fact that she hadn't been informed of an additional mission. She wasn't upset, since she was sure that things had been happening rather quickly during the last hour. However, it was important that she as the ship's executive officer know as quickly as possible.

"Transport room 2," Alistar answered. "I’m sorry, I put an away mission together while you were setting up for this meeting. We're sending over a team to repair basic systems on the Carolina and take over the ship so that we can move her to a safe location away from that damn Ferengi."

"A bold plan. Risky and aggressive but bold," Isabella said, nodding her head in approval. She had halfway expected McKeon to do something similar. "However, we'll have to keep the Ferengi from detecting the away team long enough for them to complete the repairs and then they'll have to be able to maneuver without risk of attack."

"It's all taken care of." Alistar said. "Like I told fatso, I have no problems with attacking pirates. A Ferengi who doesn't display the government markings of the Ferengi Alliance is clearly a pirate. Even their own laws state that. None of their ships have official markings or registry ID tags on their transponders, so by intergalactic law I'm authorized to treat them as criminals. I can fire on their ships in order to disable them, but I can't destroy them. There's a lot of leeway in the term disabled star ship. I plan to take full advantage of that."

"You're an evil minded man, sometimes," Isabella said as she started walking towards the door. "I'll check on Ros and her team and then head to the bridge." With that, Isabella left the wardroom and headed off towards the nearest turbo-lift.

Alistar nodded and after a moment he followed his XO out tug door. He had played the diplomatic card and gone by the rules, now the gloves came off. It was time to show these pirates how the Endeavour crew handled things out here on the rim.


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