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Sd 241601.19 Joint Log: Away Team: Lt Ros, Ens Walker, Cdt Valenar, Security NPCs

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2016 @ 8:41pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,165 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Transporter room two was beginning to look like the staging area for a camping trip on a Klingon gaming preserve. Jera walked in wearing a tactical vest she had picked up from security, complete with every assortment of weapon one could fit on an engineer who was about to spend several days off ship. The security officer who had handed Jera her gear hadn’t even listened to the fact that there would be security officers on the team. On top of the vest, she also had a backpack full of rations and other gear as well as two full engineering kits. She had never been camping, but it this was what it was like, then she wouldn’t be going any time soon.

Kev struggled with the industrial replicator that had somehow been added to the list. In his opinion there wouldn’t be any need for the device. Most of what they would need would either be on the ship already or they would be carrying it with them already. Adding a replicator plus the power cell and a few boxes of raw materials to the stack of mission gear was kind of over the top to him. But, Kev was simply an engineer doing what he was told. And he wasn’t sure about the rest of the team either. He had heard that a cadet would be coming along, and he definitely didn’t like that. On top of having to guard themselves from Ferengi they were going to have to babysit some frightened cadet who would be jumping at everything like a spooked cat. Setting the replicator down on the transporter platform, he sighed and adjusted the straps on his backpack. “Chief, everything is ready. All we need to do is beam over,” he said.

Elanawen felt out of place as she followed the two security officers assigned to the away mission into the transporter room. She had tied her hair back into a simple ponytail and suited up like everyone else, but she felt just a little out of place having been issued just a tricorder. She was the only person in the room who was assigned to the team that wasn’t armed. Seeing Lieutenant Ros, Elanawen stepped over and nodded.
“Lieutenant, I have everything I need,” Elanawen said, indicating the two cases she was carrying. In one there were the star charts and several maps that she would need to navigate, in the other were the instruction manuals and flow charts for navigation, helm, and operation controls on a Constitution class star ship. She had skimmed over some of the information while the computer had been compiling the data, and she wasn’t looking forward to it.

“Very well,” Jera said as she looked the cadet over. “Just stick close to the security guys. They should know what to do.”

“I’m not so sure,” Elanawen said as she turned to regard the two noncommissioned officers from security. Both were human, one was male and the other female, and they seemed kind of . . . odd.

Jera caught a hint of uncertainty in the cadet’s voice and raised her eyebrows. If the cadet wasn’t sure about the two petty officers, then she didn’t even want to know. Walking over to the two, she glanced at their gear before she turned to them. They were carrying some serious weaponry. “Are you two expecting a war over there?” Jera asked.

“Heya chief,” the male petty officer said. “And yeah. Lieutenant Sato said take anything we thought we would need for an extended deployment aboard an unpowered ship with hostiles on board. I’m Petty Officer Jeremy Hansel, this is Petty Officer Gemma Gretel.”

Kev couldn’t help but overhear the conversation and he stopped as he heard the two names. Blinking, he snorted through his nose, although he couldn’t even tell if it was in amusement or something else. Turning his back to the entire group, he hid his reaction by pretending to work on the engineering equipment.

Jera frowned at the names, and hearing Walker’s reaction, she glanced at the engineering officer, then at Cadet Valenar, and finally back at the two security ratings as the names finally clicked. “Hansel and Gretel,” she said slowly. “Like in the fairy tale from Earth?”

“Yeah, I know, we get picked on that a lot,” Hansel said. “But, we’ve been a team ever since we graduated from Starfleet boot camp, and we’re really, really good at our jobs.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Jera said as she tried very hard not to roll her eyes. If anything, she felt a little less safe now than before and she wasn’t sure if it was the security officers or that fact that she wasn’t sure if anyone in the team would be able to take them seriously. Once the phaser beams started firing, they would be able to tell if these two nitwits were really worth mentioning or not. For a moment, Jera had the horrifying thought that Cadet Valenar may not be the one who would need babysitting. That thought made her shiver just a little. “Get your gear on the platform. We’re late, and we’re only going to get one shot at this,” she finally said.

“Aye, aye, chief,” Hansel said as he picked up a security case that had had its content markings recently painted over. Gretel picked up another case marked ‘Spare Phasers/Energy Cells’ and followed suit.

Kev took note of the two cases that the security officers set down next to the engineering equipment that he had been overseeing. The fact that the ID markings had been painted over and that they were armored cases made him more than just a little uneasy. This mission was beginning to feel more than just a little unsafe, and he wasn’t sure for whom. Easing away from the security gear and closer to the engineering pile, he wished like hell that he wasn’t one of Ros’ favorite engineers to pick on.

Jera sighed as she took note of the overgrown pile of gear and the wacked out team that she was in command of. For some reason, she wasn’t sure if the fact that she headed this little experimental adventure was a compliment or a curse. There was no sense in worrying about it too much now, however. “All right everyone, let’s get into out places. Security, take the flanks. Walker, take our six, Valenar I want you right behind me. If we get into a fight right off the bat, find something to hide behind and stay down. Set phasers to heavy stun for now. We may have to up the settings later,” she said. As everyone fell into their places, Jera took her place in the formation and tapped her commbadge. “Ros to bridge. Away team is ready and standing by,” she said.


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