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SD 241601.24 Joint Plot Log: CO, XO, CSec/Tac, CEO, EO, various NPCs

Posted on Mon Jan 25th, 2016 @ 7:13am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,006 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

The ten minute walk from the shuttle bay to the bridge did nothing to lessen Alistar's bad mood. his meeting with Nok had totally infuriated him to the point that he almost walked out onto the bridge and ordered Lt Sato to lock on weapons and fire on the skiffs. Fortunately, he knew that that would be a bad idea and that the plan that had been set out would do more to damage Nok than being killed in a questionable skirmish. Besides, Alistar wasn't prepared to end his career by blowing a Ferengi criminal out of the sky without just cause. "Status report!" he called as he walked onto the bridge and sat down in the command chair.

Akira glanced up from her console board before she answered. Even from her distance, she could sense the commander's bad mood.

"Phasers are locked onto our specific targets; helm is standing by to engage attack run. The away team just called in their status report. They're ready," Akira reported. It was a simple report, but given McKeon's mood, she guessed that a simple status report would do best.

Alistar nodded. Glancing around, he noticed Silvisi's absence before he tapped his commbadge. "McKeon to Silvisi, report to the bridge," he said. Nodding towards Sato, he leaned back in his chair. "Standby to engage attack run."

Isabella had just reached the door leading into transport room two when she heard the commanding officer's call. Giving an aggravated sigh, she paused outside the door for a moment before she decided that she wasn't going to make the trip for nothing. Continuing into the transporter room, Isabella took note of the away team positioned on the transport pad. "Lieutenant Ros, I take it that your team is ready?" Isabella asked.

Elanawen noticed the executive officer enter the transport room and she instantly braced to attention. There was no need, since this was technically an informal encounter, but training sometimes overruled common knowledge. Besides, Elanawen saw it as a sign of respect towards an officer who deserved it.

Kev glanced up from his phaser rifle as the doors to the transporter room opened and revealed the xo. He instantly put his head down and made an effort to double check his weapon and gear. If he gave the appearance of being busy, maybe he wouldn't be asked any questions. That was his hope, at any rate. For the most part, Kev didn't like having to deal with command officers. He was a low ranking engineer and that's just how he liked it.

"We're ready, commander," Jera said as she glanced around at her team and caught their various reactions. Seeing Walker, she hid a frown and turned back to the XO. "Whenever the captain is ready."

"Good luck, and good fortune on your mission," Isabella said before she turned and headed to the bridge. Making the trip in as short of a time as she could which was a challenge due to the fact that she actually had to wait for the turbo-lift, Isabella arrived on the bridge and immediately headed to her seat. There was little point in her being anywhere else, since every station throughout the ship was manned and her two secondary positions would be pointless at this time. Sitting down, she nodded towards McKeon. "I went ahead and stopped by transporter room two. The away team is ready," she reported.

"Good," Alistar said before he tapped his commbadge again. "McKeon to Ros."

"Go ahead," Jera said, feeling a little annoyed at the delay. She had ready for her team to be beamed over to the Carolina for nearly an hour, and she was more than ready to get this started and done with.

"There is an old saying. On your shield or by it. I want your entire team to return by their shields. Is that clear?" Alistar said.

Jera frowned for a minute as she tried to place the saying. Something tugged at the back of her memory, but she was trying to recall ancient sayings from both Earth and Romulas and eventually she shook her head. Coming up with nothing, she turned to the others in her team and gave a questioning shrug. "Anyone else know what the hell he's talking about?" Jera asked.

"Ancient Earth history, I think," Kev said with a slight frown as he tried to place the saying. He had heard it at some point of time because he knew he had heard it before. It disturbed him that he couldn't place the saying although history had never been a strong subject for him.

"It's from Sparta, one of the city states of ancient Greece on Earth that was proficient in battle and the art of war. It means to either come home alive in victory or die in battle, which were the only two honorable outcomes for a Spartan warrior when he marched into battle" Elanawen explain quickly.

"Oh. Kind of like the Klingons. Got it," Jera said as she nodded. Tapping her comm badge, she growled. "You going to give the Ferengi a ten minute warning, just to make it fair?"

"Give them hell, and get that ship," Alistar said. "McKeon out." closing the comm channel. Taking a deep breath, he nodded. "Engage," he said.

The Endeavour suddenly leapt forward and angled her approach, sweeping past the small Ferengi shuttle that had launched from Endeavour minutes earlier and was en route to the skiffs. At the preset point, the Endeavour swerved sharply to the side and fired her phasers at full power. The beams sliced through the light hull armor on the skiffs and destroyed the long range communications, sensor, and transporter systems on both ship's before they fell silent for a bare heart beat and fire again, this time striking against the Carolina, destroying the older ship's internal and external sensor systems. All three ship's now completely blinded, the Endeavour lowered her shields and beamed the away team on board the Carolina before banking away and screaming into warp.


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