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241601.10 Joint log: CO, CsecTac, CEO

Posted on Mon Jan 11th, 2016 @ 5:58am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

It had taken Alistar less than five minutes of looking at intergalactic treaty laws involving the Ferengi before he had come to the conclusion that diplomacy most likely wouldn't work. The Ferengi were masters of twisting the law around so that it benefited them, and Alistar didn't have the time or patience to deal with the little trolls. So he knew that they needed a new plan and fast. Tapping his commbadge, he called Lt Ros and Sato to his ready room.

Akira was already on the bridge when the summons to the ready room came. Curious as to what the commander would want, she simply adjusted her step and crossed the bridge to the ready room doors. Giving a nod to the tactical officer on duty as she passed the security/tactical console, Akira took a moment outside the door to adjust her uniform before she tapped the door chime.

Jera was almost to the deck one turbo lift when she received the call. With a sigh, she passed the lift doors and walked to the side entrance to the ready room. Not knowing what was going on, Jera pressed the control panel and activated the door chime, hoping that this meeting wouldn't take long.

Alistar almost jumped when the chimes to both doors rang out almost at the same time. He hadn't been expecting that both officers would respond so quickly and at the same time from either direction. Case in point, he thought. Always be prepared for anything. Recovering from being nearly scared out of his chair, he called "Enter" and went right back to reading.

Akira quickly stepped into the ready room and crossed the room to stand before the captain’s desk.

"You asked to see me, sir?" she asked.

Jera entered the ready room a moment behind Lt Sato and she crossed the room and simply sat down in one of the empty chairs set before the desk. It wasn't proper protocol, but McKeon wasn't exactly the most orthodox captain in the fleet either. She just hoped that the commander didn't take it as an insult.

Alistar paused a moment to glance pointedly at Ros before he shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "I want a fall back plan in case this diplomatic snafu doesn't go well," he said. "We can't use brute force but we're not going to let these little slime trolls get away with this either. I need a plan and I need it now. Ros, how long will it take to get the Carolina operational enough to warp her back to Federation space?"

"That depends on what's wrong with her systems, primary and secondary," Jera replied. "We'll need to check her impulse and warp drive systems, plus her deflector screen generators and the shield systems. And of course life support. Without being on the ship and seeing first hand, I can't give you any more of an answer than that."

"It's a good bet that the Ferengi are already on board. If that's the case, they will do everything that can to stop us from repairing the Carolina and taking her for ourselves. They may even destroy her," Akira said. She didn't like the situation at all, since sooner or later things would get unfriendly. She wasn't too happy at the thought of another armed conflict so soon.

"I doubt they will destroy her outright, a ship like that is too valuable. But, I can't condone any action that will result in an all out fight with the Ferengi either. We can't get dragged down into a shooting match with the Ferengi, so that means we have to take a step back and think outside the box." Alistar said shaking his head. "Ros, what would you need to sneak aboard the Carolina and start repairs?" Alistar asked.

"At least one other engineer, a full tool kit set, maybe a portable engineering replicator, and the full schematics for the ship," Jera said. "I might also need to borrow from our own stores if I need to replace parts."

"Negative. You'll be operating without Endeavour's support on this," Alistar said flatly.

Jera took a minute to realize what her commanding officer had just said. "Wait. You want to drop two engineers off on a ship that's overrun by Ferengi and then leave us there?" she snapped.

"Sir I have to protest that course of action. You could be sending them on a one way mission," Akira said. She was very surprised at what she was hearing. There wasn't a clear logical thought to any of it.

"Lt Ros, you will assemble a team of yourself and one other engineer. Lt Sato will select two security officers to join you. You will beam over to the Carolina in secret with equipment and supplies plus rations for at least one week. Your orders are to put the Carolina's systems back into basic operational status and meet up with the Endeavour at a rally point. If you don't make it to the set point in seven days, I'm going to come after you. Is that clear?" Alistar said.

"Sir, I recommend sending over someone trained in operations as well to assist with repairs," Akira said.

"Any recommendations?" Alistar asked.

"Cadet Valenar seems to be very capable, Sir," Akira answered.

Alistar hesitated. Valenar was the best choice. She was capable and adaptable and she also had the added bonus of being one of the most cross trained people on the Endeavour. She was also a cadet, and he was reluctant to sent cadets on dangerous away missions. But, he also knew that there wasn't much choice. "Alright. Fill her in and add her to the team. Ros, you'll be the ranking officer so you'll be in command. Get the Carolina operational and get to the rally point," Alistar said.

Jera nodded slowly as she stood. To say that she wasn't really liking this operation was an understatement. But, she was an officer and she had both her mission and her orders. "I'll get my team together now and assemble in transporter room two," she said.

"You have one hour. Good luck," Alistar said. "Dismissed."


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