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241601.07 Plot Log: CO, XO, CSecTac, CEO and various NPCs

Posted on Fri Jan 8th, 2016 @ 7:49am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,175 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Alistar was fighting hard not to start pacing the bridge as the Endeavour warped towards her destination. They had finally been able to pinpoint the location of the signal's source, but long range sensors could only do so much. The distance and the interference from the nearby nebula cloud was making it difficult to make much out. Sitting in the command chair, Alistar shifted in his seat.

Isabella raised an eyebrow and gave Alistar a half smile. She could understand why he seemed to be wound up so tightly, but like everyone else, she wished he would stop being so impatient. It was a trait she had seen in other captains, mostly in the ones who had served along the front lines of the Dominion War. Many officers were still fighting with their own demons they had discovered, even after five years. "I wish you would take up a hobby to help you pass the time while we wait," Isabella said softly, trying not to laugh as she pictured the captain sitting in the command chair knitting.

Alistar glanced at his XO and made a growling sound in the back of his throat. She was picking on him, she did that at times. "You know, XOs could have other jobs on a starship other than aggravating the captain," he said.

"Oh, that's just a hobby," Isabella said with a light hearted chuckle. "Besides, you have to admit that without someone to aggravate you all the time, some things would never get done. Like that tremendous mountain of paperwork that you let pile up until you can't see your desk."

Alistar started to open his mouth and fire back with a reply but a series of beeping alarms caught his attention.

"Commander, sensors are detecting three ships at our destination coordinates," Elanawen reported from Operations.

"Any ID signals on any of them?" Alistar asked.

"Negative, Sir. The nebula is putting out too much interference for long range sensors to get an accurate scan," Akira replied as she frowned at the monitor readouts at her own console.

"Sir, we'll be in short range sensor range in two minutes. We might be able to get a better reading then," Elanawen suggested.

"We could try to boost power to the long range sensors and try another scan," Jera suggested from the auxiliary station behind the command area. She had decided to use that console rather than the engineering station, just in case she would have to get to the transporter room or main engineering quickly.

"Let's take full precautions this time. Drop us out of warp and go to yellow alert," Alistar ordered. There wasn't any need to give any further orders, as yellow alert called for shields and phasers to be brought online. As the Endeavour slowed to sub light speed and raised her shields, she continued towards her destination fully prepared for trouble. As she closed on her target and the three ships came into view, Alistar stiffened in his chair and muttered a harsh curse. A Starfleet Constitution class star ship and a pair of Ferengi skiffs hung there on the edge of the Phendrana Nebula.

"Sir, we're being hailed," Akira reported. Without orders, she had already targeted the Ferengi ships with the phasers.

"On screen," Alistar said tightly. The view screen filled with the image of a Ferengi male who appeared over weight and clearly not happy.

"Starfleet! I've already claimed this ship as salvage. It's mine!"

"I'm Commander Alistar McKeon of the Federation star ship Endeavour. That ship is Starfleet property and exempt from the laws of inter galactic salvage. You will of course be granted a finder’s fee by the Federation government to which I'll gladly endorse..."

"Don't play games with me Starfleet! I found that ship. It's mine! Now back off or I'll fire on your ship!" the Ferengi interrupted Alistar mid sentence with his loud shouting. Alistar raised an eyebrow at the threat and smiled dangerously.

"Commander, I suggest we try to find a diplomatic solution to this problem," Isabella whispered, sensing that it would be best to interrupt now before a shooting fight started.

Alistar glanced at Silvisi and sighed before he turned back to the view screen. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of a deal, Mr ?"

"I'm called Nok," the Ferengi said, confusion showing for a few minutes. He finally hid it behind an annoying grin. "And we can negotiate for a price. The opportunity for profit should never be ignored. I'll shuttle to your ship in one hour. Have snacks ready. I'll be hungry."

The view screen flashed as the transmission ended and was instantly replaced with a forward view. Alistar growled. "Tell me something people," he said.

"I've scanned their ships. They're both basic model DL-44 medium skiffs, no lasting long range capabilities. Standard shields and beam weapons. Compliment on each is fifty," Akira reported.

"And that Constitution class?" Alistar asked.

"Thought you might ask," Jera said with a smile. "I did a scan while you and that troll were, uh, talking. Sir, it's the USS Carolina."

Alistar stared at the view screen for a very long moment before he spoke again. "The Carolina has been missing for 95 years. We can't let the Ferengi get a hold of it."

"Sir, I'm sure no one here will disagree with you on that, but how do we do that? Ferengi won't take Federation credits or even a promise of credit. They're going to insist on payment of gold pressed latinum only," Jera said.

"We easily out class them in defensive and offensive capabilities. We can always disable their ships with a few phaser bursts and tow the Carolina to the nearest star base," Akira said.

"While I don't doubt our tactical capabilities, I think we should try to find a peaceful diplomatic solution, or at the very least a solution that doesn't end up with us having to shoot our way out of another situation," Isabella said. The thought of getting into another shooting conflict clearly wasn't something she wanted to entertain as a course of action.

"Commander Silvisi is right," Alistar said as he stood. "Starfleet regulations dictate that we try to find a nonviolent solution to the problem. So we'll try diplomacy first. Lt Sato, prepare security for a diplomatic escort. Lt Ros, dig up the specs for the Carolina. I want to know everything about that ship. Commander Silvisi, I know you won't like it, but I want you to greet our visitor when he comes on board. We have one hour, so that gives us some time to set up the flight officers debriefing room for the meeting."

"The flight officers debriefing room? We're not using the diplomatic suite or the observation lounge," Isabella asked, surprise in her voice.

"No. I don't want this guy on my ship roaming the corridors any longer than he has to be," Alistar said. "Let's get to it people." with that, he turned and walked into his ready room to prepare for the impending meeting.


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