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241602.03 Joint log: CO, XO, Csec/Tac

Posted on Thu Feb 4th, 2016 @ 7:04am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

630 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Alistar was pacing the bridge. He couldn't help it due to the sheer anxiety he was feeling and all of the coffee he had been drinking didn't help either. It had only been an hour since the away team had been beamed onto the Carolina and now the Endeavour sat hidden away tucked inside of an asteroid field where the crew watched and waited.

Isabella sat in her seat and calmly watched as Commander McKeon paced across the bridge. She had never thought that he would be a chronic worrier, but under the circumstances she could more than understand. The situation was far from ideal, given that the away team was literally on their own for the time being. What was even more stressful was the fact that at any time the Ferengi could discover the team aboard the Carolina and the entire mission would quickly dissolve into a rescue operation.

"Is there any change, Lieutenant Sato?" Isabella asked, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Nothing so far," Akira replied coolly from her station. The small security and tactical chief had literally been perched on the edge of her console station ever since the Endeavour had started the current mission by depositing the away team on the antique Starfleet ship. She had assigned two of her best people to the team, although Akira was sure that everyone else on the team didn't think so.

"Commander, perhaps we should go ahead and formulate a backup plan, just in case Lieutenant Ros and her tram can't manage repairs to the Carolina," Isabella said, directing her attention to the captain. "I'm sure that they can manage to actually complete some of the repairs, but there are a lot of variables in action and it would be better if we were already prepared should the worse happen."

"If they can't fix the ship or they're discovered, then we're going to warp in, beam them out and destroy the Carolina before we warp out," Alistar said simply as he finally sat down. He said the words without emotion, but it killed him to speak them. No Starfleet captain wanted to be the one who gave the order to scuttle another star ship, but it was that or let the Carolina fall onto Ferengi hands. And there was no way he was going to let that happen.

Isabella nodded silently. She had been McKeon's executive officer long enough to know that there was some times that it was best to remain silent and let the topic pass. She could understand his position though. There was so very few of the famous Constitution class star ships that had survived, and the Carolina had been the subject of many a mystery theory for nearly a century. Every Starfleet officer wanted to know the truth behind that ship and her disappearance, and unless the Endeavour crew could retrieve the ship from the Ferengi, then no one would ever know.

"How much longer should we give them?" Akira asked. Hearing the captain's plan out loud made her feel slightly uneasy, but she had been prepared for it either way. All four launchers were loaded and armed, ready to unleash the fury of her ordnance at a moment’s notice.

"We'll keep watch for now," Alistar said as he leaned back in his seat. "Hopefully they can fix the thrusters and move away from the Ferengi long enough to hide inside the nebula. That'll buy them the time they need to complete repairs. If those skiffs come back online before then, then we'll have to beam the team out and destroy the Carolina." falling quiet, Alistar silently watched the magnified image of the three ships that were so far away. Silently, he hoped that Ros and her team could pull this off.


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