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Sd 241602.06 Away team joint log Part II: CEO EO SCI/Ops

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2016 @ 6:15am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Edited on on Sun Feb 7th, 2016 @ 6:15am

936 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

"It means we're about to blow up," Kev said before he hurried out of engineering. Running through the corridors of a starship that was shaking from phaser beams hitting directly against the hull was difficult at best, it was even worse because Kev had to climb a Jefferies tube ladder as well. Under the circumstances, there was no way he was going to trust a turbo lift. Making it to the shuttle bay, he paused to catch his breath, using the time to study the control panel at the shuttle bay control room. "Hey, Ros, the master control doesn't have a door ejection option," he said after a few moments.

Jera closed her eyes and shook her head as she thought quickly over any options they had. "Are there any liquid fuel drums around? Some of the shuttle pods on these old ships used an explosive liquid fuel," she said.

Kev scanned the shuttle bay and groaned when he saw a pallet of drums marked 'Dangerous: Shuttle fuel. Explosive'. "Yeah. There's a whole pallet here," he said.

"Set it against the inside of the main doors and find a way to detonate it," Jera said.

"You should be able to use your phaser to detonate the fuel if you set it to overload and disable the safeties that would normally shut it down," Elanawen said as she struggled with the helm controls.

"I'm curious as to how a science and operations cadet would know that," Kev said as he ran over to the fuel drums. Fortunately, there was a pallet jack that was still attached to the pallet under the fuel drums. Unlocking it, Kev started pulling the drums towards the shuttle bay doors.

"I read a lot of manuals in my spare time," Elanawen said as she wrestled with the helm controls. Slowly, she was able to turn the bow of the Carolina towards the Phendrana nebula. Locking the heading into the helm console, she engaged the automatic navigational controls and nodded towards Lieutenant Ros.

Jera settled into her seat and silently prayed that this idea would work. There were too many alarms going off already and each new attack only activated more. "Walker, any time you're ready," she said.

Rather than reply, Kev dumped the fuel drums next to the inside of the shuttle bay doors and drew his hand phaser. As an engineer and a Starfleet officer, he knew how to overload the phaser, the trick was going to be on the other side of the blast door that wasn't even closed yet when it went off. "Here goes nothing," he said as he pried the cover off of the phaser. Pulling out the safety control chip, he turned the phaser over in his hands and thumbed the settings up to max and disabled the regulator that would normally stop the charge buildup. That done, Kev tossed the now active hand bomb next to the pressurize fuel drums and ran towards the blast door that was nearly seventy meters away. It was a long hard run, but Kev had once been forced by his parents to play a number of physically demanding sports and Starfleet had pretty high standards on the physical requirements of all personnel. He was two meters away from the blast door when the phaser bomb exploded, igniting the fuel drums and causing a massive explosion. The force of the chain reaction caused by the other drums exploding resulted in a powerful enough explosion that tore a hole through the seal created by the closed shuttle bay doors and opened the bay to space. Kev could heard and feel the air being pulled out of the ship as he managed to cross the doorway of the blast door. Turning to the control panel on the other side, he pressed the emergency override and hoped the controls still worked. Fortunately, they did and the blast door slammed down into place. "Done," Kev panted as he slid to the deck.

The explosion could be felt even on the bridge. Jera hissed as she saw another set of alarms flash to life, indicating that a compartment was open to space. Some of the indicator lights finally stopped flashing after several long agonizing moments as the blast door was sealed, and Jera breathed a little easier. "Please tell me that it worked," she said, not looking up from the console in front of her.

"It's working," Elanawen said, trying to hide the excitement in her voice as the speed indicator showed a slight increase in the Carolina's speed. Instantly, she fired all of the forward thrusters, giving the ship as much momentum as possible as she guided it towards the Phendrana nebula. The purplish blue tendrils of the nebula seemed to reach out and grip the hull of the Carolina as the Constitution class starship slipped into the nebula and out of sight. The particle makeup of the nebula interfered with sensors and limited visibility to almost nothing, making it the perfect hiding spot. Elanawen smiled as the ship slipped completely into the nebula.

"Change course to 210 by 018 and hold us there for right now," Jera ordered. The new heading would take the ship deeper into the nebula but not by much. Breathing a little easier now that the ship wasn't shaking because of phaser beams hitting the hull, Jera stood. "Valenar, keep an eye on everything up here. We'll maintain an open commline, but we need to make a visual check in everything and finish repairs. If something happens, call me immediately." without wait for an answer, Jera headed for the turbo lift.


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