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SD 241602.06 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Science Officer

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2016 @ 7:09am by Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Unable to simply sit on the bridge and watch as everyone else fretted, Isabella had decided to take some time and check in on the general mood of the crew across the ship. She normally didn't like to simply wander about the ship, but the Endeavour was big enough to allow for a simple mind clearing walk while being small enough to allow some focus on her route. Isabella found herself strolling about deck eight near the hydroponics bays and stellar cartography. Realizing that she had never visited either, Isabella decided to stop by in one of the hydroponics bays.

It was unusual for a ship of the Endeavour's size to house one much less two fully functional hydroponics bays, but the series II Intrepid class ship's had been designed with the Voyager's seven year plight in the Delta Quadrant firmly in mind. If needed, the hydroponics bays aboard the Endeavour could supplement the rationing of foodstuffs and extend the resupply requirements for food for nearly eight entire years. It would also provide much needed oxygen should the life support systems fail. The thought was somewhat sobering as it reflected upon the dangers of deep space exploration. As Isabella entered hydroponics bay one, she paused to close her eyes and take a deep breath of the strangely spicy and sweet smell that fill the bay and almost reminded her of home.

Fe'cia mindlessly walked about the hydroponics bay tending to the few duties that were required here and there. Normally stationed in stellar cartography, the Caitian officer liked to help out the botanists from time to time. It was too bad that the Endeavour wasn't big enough to have an arboretum, although it wasn't impossible. She had enjoyed being assigned to the Rodger Young, but her recent transfer to the Endeavour had been hinted to her a good career move if she wanted to actually be involved in deep space exploration. Besides, everyone knew that Intrepid class ship's attracted excitement. Walking around the end of the row of tall corn stalks that had been an ongoing experiment for the botany team, Fe'cia noticed an officer she hadn't met before. Walking up to the officer, Fe'cia twitched her whiskers as she noticed the rank of the short human. "Commander?" she said in a soft purring voice.

Isabella opened her eyes and managed to hide the fact that she had been startled just a bit as she turned to the officer who had spoken. Seeing the Caitian female standing before her, Isabella frowned for a brief moment as she tried to recall the name of the officer. There weren't very many aliens assigned to the Endeavour, and only three Caitians, so it didn't take her long. "Ensign…Niatra, isn't it?" she said with a smile.

"Yes, Commander. You are the first officer?" Fe'cia replied as she braced to attention.

"Please stand at ease, Ensign," Isabella said with a friendly smile. "I'm aware of the fact that we've never officially met, but there's no need to be so formal."

"The first officer on the Young didn’t think so," Fe'cia said.

"The Young?" Isabella echoed as she tried to place the ship. She didn't like to admit it, but she hadn't had time to fully read through the service records of the newer crew members that had been recently assigned. She had skimmed through the files to ensure that they had filled positions the Endeavour needed to have filled, but that had been it.

"The USS Rodger Young," Fe'cia said. "She was my previous assignment before I accepted a transfer to the Endeavour."

"I take it the command officers on the Rodger Young are somewhat strict?" Isabella asked. It wasn't exactly against regulations to ask an officer about command staff officers they had served under previously, but there were some who frowned upon it. In Isabella's case, she was simply curious.

"Yes and no," Fe'cia replied. "They wanted formal protocol to be observed at all times, but they acted as if the rules didn't apply to themselves."

"I see," Isabella said, nodding her head somewhat. She knew the type of officer Niatra spoke of, since she had met a few throughout her career. "I certainly hope that you've found the Endeavour to be a more pleasant assignment then," she said after a moment.

"Oh, definitely!" Fe'cia said excitedly. "In fact, I was hoping that I could get an experiment I've been working on approved some time soon."

"What kind of experiment?" Isabella asked.

"It involves using the primary deflector dish to send out a pulse that could be used to mark the location of celestial bodies and star ships," Fe'cia said. "I submitted a proposal a few days ago."

"It may be on my desk. I'll look for it the next time I manage to grab some time to work on paperwork," Isabella said.

"Oh, I'd appreciate it," Fe'cia said. Glancing at the wall mounted chrono, she twitched her tail. "It's time for me to get back to stellar cartography."

"I won't keep you. I hope the Endeavour is an enjoyable assignment for you, Ensign," Isabella said.

"Oh, I'm sure it will be, Commander," Fe'cia said with a smile before she started off towards stellar cartography.


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