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241602.11 Joint log: CO, XO, CSEC/TAC, SCIO

Posted on Fri Feb 12th, 2016 @ 6:32am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra
Edited on on Fri Feb 12th, 2016 @ 6:32am

1,055 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Alistar had finally stopped pacing around the bridge and sat down in his seat. It wasn't doing anything other than making him tired and worrying the crew. Patience was sometimes something he didn't have trouble with, but when members of his crew were in a dangerous situation he couldn't help but worry. The waiting for news of anything was the hard part. The Endeavour was tucked away in a small asteroid field within long range sensor range of the Carolina and the Ferengi skiffs, far away not to be noticed but close enough to jump into action if needed. Watching the readout of the long range sensors on the command monitor, Alistar silently wondered what was going on over there when alarms started ringing.

"Sir, the skiffs are firing at the Carolina," Akira reported as the data appeared on her screen. She blinked in surprise at some of the readings the sensors were giving her.

"Commander, the Ferengi are using Federation based phaser arrays. Sensors are estimating the strength to be equivalent to a type X emitter. At best estimate, the Carolina can last roughly ten minutes."

"Red alert!" Alistar barked. The alert klaxon buzzed out, the illumination darkened and the Endeavour readied for battle. "Helm, plot an intercept course, set speed at full impulse," Alistar ordered. "Tactical, stand by to fire phasers."

Isabella had been on her way back to the bridge with Ensign Niatra when the red alert sounded. Concerned that the situation had deteriorated even further than it already had, she mentally prepared for the worse when the turbo lift doors opened. The bridge was already fully staffed, but Isabella directed Niatra to take over the science station before she sat down in her seat next to the captain. "What's going on?" she asked as she settled into her seat.

Fe'cia didn't want to voice her dislike over being assigned to a bridge station. She preferred to remain in her science lab or man her assigned post during battle stations. Being on the bridge just wasn't something she liked. But the first officer had personally assigned Fe'cia to the science post on the bridge, so that was where she sat.

"The Ferengi just opened fire on the Carolina. We're going to have to take defensive action," Alistar answered his XO. The forward view screen was set up to display the forward view, which shifted as the Endeavour maneuvered out of the asteroid field and angled towards the fight. Before the helm officer could engage the intercept course, the ship rocked violently and fresh alarms rang out.

"Sir, I'm reading a Ferengi Marauder class cruiser bearing three one eight by seven two five!" Akira reported. She was surprised by the new ship, as Ferengi usually were sneaky unless they were planning an ambush. She hadn't detected the cruiser's arrival in the immediate area or its approach to weapons range, which made her less than pleased.

"Helm, come about, tactical, lock phasers and return fire," Alistar ordered. "Ops, keep an eye on the Carolina."

"Sir, according to the readout from the sensors, the Carolina is moving under her own power," Fe'cia reported. "They are heading into the nebula using thrusters."

"The Ferengi won't be able to track them once they're inside," Isabella said, nodding her approval at the away team's tactic. It was a bold move, but also one of the best ideas anyone could possibly come up with considering the Carolina's situation. For some reason, a nagging thought in the back of her mind wondered why that hasn't been thought of before. It was a small thought, and she mentally kicked herself for not thinking of it before. Just as quickly as the thought entered her mind, Isabella pushed it aside. The important thing was that someone had thought of it.

"Neither will we," Alistar reminded Silvisi as the Endeavour rocked again. "Sato, return fire."

"Commander, I have an idea that may allow us to be able to locate the Carolina inside the nebula," Fe'cia added, turning around in her chair to face the captain.

"Firing phasers," Akira reported as she targeted the Ferengi cruiser and fired. The phasers did little damage to the Ferengi ship, but their weapons weren't doing much to the Endeavour, at least not yet. Shaking her head, she frowned at the long range sensors for a moment.

"Sir, the Carolina just reached the threshold of the Nebula. We'll lose them on sensors in less than two minutes. They appear to be venting internal atmosphere into space, but I can't tell how bad the damage is from here," she reported.

"Well, get that idea ready ensign," Alistar said. "Helm, break off attack run and plot a micro warp jumps into the nebula. Engage when ready."

The Endeavour turned away from the Ferengi ship sharply and quickly jumped into warp for a brief five seconds. The jump took the Endeavour to a point two kilometers inside the nebula. Instantly all of the ship's sensors were worth nothing as the particle makeup of the nebula interfered with the sensors.

"Helm, all stop," Alistar ordered. Turning to the Caitian science officer, Alistar nodded. "What's your idea?" he asked.

"In theory, we could set the deflector dish up to emit a pulse out and away from the ship, similar to the sonar systems used during Earths 20th century. The pulse would be tracked by the ship, and we would be able to see the size, shape and distance of anything within a certain distance," Fe'cia said.

"Echolocation," Alistar said with a nod. He was familiar with the term and its use by underwater craft such as submarines, but he had never heard of it being used by a star ship. "How long will it take to set up?"

"Unknown. I've only started drafting the basic concept when I informed the first officer earlier," Fe'cia replied.

"XO, the ensign's project has a go," Alistar said. "Get started on doing what needs to be done. Grab anyone you need to."

"Yes, Sir," Isabella said as she stood. "Miss Niatra, you're with me." she said before she started off towards the turbo lift doors.

Alistar nodded and leased back in his seat before he sighed. "So much for the nonaggression way," he muttered. Louder, he spoke. "Secure from red alert. Maintain yellow alert until further notice."


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