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SD 241602.19 Joint Plot Log: CO, XO, CSec/Tac, CEO, EO, SciO

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2016 @ 6:07pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,351 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Isabella rubbed the sides of her forehead as she stepped out of the turbo lift and walked across the bridge with Ensign Niatra in tow. They had spent nearly four hours working on what had become known as the navigational sonar, and Isabella had learned more about the mind numbing detail work that engineers did than she had ever wanted to know. The system was now functional and online, and as she sat down in her seat, Isabella suppressed a groan. "The new sonar system is online, and if we did everything correctly, it should be ready," she reported to Commander McKeon.

Fe'cia padded onto the bridge behind the first officer, her tail dragging along the deck behind her. She was tired, mostly because it had been a while since she had gotten any sleep. Determined not to show any weakness, she had consumed huge amounts of coffee even though she couldn't stand the smell or taste, but it had done the trick. It was starting to wear off though, but Fe'cia was hoping that she would be able to grab a cat nap soon. As she slid into the bridge science station, she activated the console. "Ready to activate nav sonar on your command," she reported.

Alistar nodded and leaned forward in his seat. So far, the Endeavour hadn't moved or tried to open communications with the Carolina. The last thing he wanted to do was accidentally make his away team a target. "Alright. Let's see if this works. Helm, stand by impulse engines. Tactical, stand by full phasers and shields. Ensign Niatra, Engage," he said.

"Aye, Sir," Akira said as she brought the phasers and shields to full standby. Under that setting, they would come online automatically if the sensors detected anything that could be hostile or dangerous towards the Endeavour unless she pressed the over-ride command.

Fe'cia nodded and tapped a command into her console. The navigation dish pulsed, sending an almost audible humming pulse out and away from the ship.

Alistar watched the sensor feedback on the command monitor. A wavelike pulse sent from the Endeavour went out and hit several objects not too far away. Frowning at the display, Alistar scratched at his chin. "It looks like we're picking up a few small asteroids. Science, any ideas?"

"We'll have to get closer before I can get a better reading," Fe'cia answered.

"Helm, all ahead, one quarter impulse speed. Distance is roughly two hundred thousand meters off the port bow," Alistar said. He watched as the Endeavour eased forward through the thick nebula until the ship was almost on top of the objects that were displayed on the screen.

"Confirmed readings, sir. Twenty two asteroids in close proximity. Sir, from this test I can report that we can positively identify objects from pulse sonar readings up to two hundred thousand meters," Fe'cia said.

"Very well, we'll proceed. Helm, bring around to a heading of 318 by 014," Alistar ordered. "Set sonar pulses to one minute intervals."


Jera rested as best she could by sitting in the tactical officers chair and propping her feet on the edge of the forward console. Tactical was useless any way, and she was sure that Valenar could use the company. The security officers had gone off exploring the ship now that everything was settling down. Walker was still down in engineering keeping an eye on everything. With her eyes closed, Jera mumbled. "Anything new to report?"

"Nothing, Lieutenant," Elanawen replied as she steered the Carolina along the rough course she had plotted. She had taken the time to study the tech manuals and get used to the older ship's systems, and silently she found that she enjoyed piloting. In fact, Elanawen was tempted to take an empty Padd and fill out a request to transfer to the helm, but she figured that now was not the time.

"I'm reading a steady power level in the impulse drive. I could try to bring the engine online and test it," she said.

"Ros to Walker, how's that impulse engine looking?" Jera asked through the commlink.

Kev sighed and shook his head. "It'll work, just don't order any high powered evasive maneuvers or try to outrun a fighter. It’s old and in need of maintenance but it'll do for basic flight," he said, answering the question with a bare growl in his voice. He didn’t like the predicament that they were all in. There were too many things that could go wrong.

"Try the drive, but let's be careful for poor Walker's sanity, which he has most likely already lost," Jera said, speaking loud enough that the commbadge would relay it over the away team comline.

"I heard that you green blooded pointy eared witch," Kev said.

Jera laughed and sat upright in her chair. The damn thing was uncomfortable and not very well designed for relaxing. Which was more than likely intentional. "Alright cadet. Bring up the impulse drive. Let's see if we can start running for our lives yet."

"Wait a minute, something is odd about this reading," Elanawen said as she watched one of the displays.

"What is it?" Jera asked as she leaned over and peered at the screen.

"Something out there is sending out a subsonic pulse at a steady rate. It's repeating itself every minute," Elanawen said.

"What normally does that?" Jera asked, alarmed.

"Whales, bats, those little furry horned toads that are found on Renley IV, and giant nebula residing ship eating space monsters," Elanawen said with a shrug.

"Prepare for evasive maneuvers!" Jera ordered, not sure if the cadet was serious or trying to make a joke. Either way, she was going to be prepared.

"Lieutenant, it could be the Endeavour," Elanawen said.

Jera froze. The cadet could be right, but there was no way to be sure. "Oh, hell with it. Set a course to the origin," he ordered.

Elanawen nodded and brought the impulse on slowly before she eased the Carolina towards the point of origin for the pulses. Silently praying that she hadn't just convinced Lieutenant Ros to order them towards a star ship eating space monster, she eased the impulse speed up and watched the forward view screen carefully.


Alistar had to admit that he hadn't thought the deflector sonar would work, but it had. They had found the Carolina, and it the readings were correct the away team was turning towards them. It took twenty minutes before both ships came into visual range of each other, and once the Carolina eased into view cheers erupted across the Endeavour bridge. Alistar nodded his approval towards the Caitian science officer before he tapped his comm badge. "McKeon to away team. Report."

Jera smiled as the Endeavour eased closer to the Carolina. Hearing the captain’s voice once more was a welcome sound and she sighed in relief before she tapped her commbadge. "Ros here. Away team accounted for. On behalf of all of us, I'd like to request a transfer to personnel. I personally need a shower and a 23rd century tech manual for dummies," she said.

"Permission granted. Stand by and we'll have a relief team beamed over in twenty minutes," Alistar said before he signed off. Turning to his XO, he nodded. "Silvisi, I want you to assemble a relief team and take over for Ros and her team. Once they've had some time to rest up, we'll rotate them until the Carolina's warp drive powers up."

"Understood," Isabella said as she stood. With a passing nod towards Lieutenant Sato as she passed Security and Tactical, Isabella headed towards the turbo lift. The first priority had been to secure the Carolina, and now that that goal had been accomplished they could move on to their next goal of getting the Carolina to Federation space. Once the older star ship's warp drive was operational, it wouldn't be a problem, but there was still the risk of the Ferengi that were still lurking about. Taking a deep breath, Isabella ordered the lift to proceed to Deck Four where the relief team would be assembling.


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