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SD 241602.24 Joint Log: Executive Officer, Chief Engineering Officer

Posted on Wed Feb 24th, 2016 @ 8:57pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

655 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

The transporter beam released Isabella and left her standing in the primary transporter room aboard the Carolina. Other than the color scheme that had been standard at the time of the Carolina's construction, Isabella suppressed the urge to grimace at the very smell of the air. The life support systems either hadn't been online very long or were long overdue for a maintenance check, because there was a stale and somewhat unpleasant odor to the air. Shaking her reaction away, Isabella stepped down from the transporter pad and offered a smile towards the engineering officer standing there. "Lieutenant Ros, may I congratulate you and your team on an outstanding job. You actually managed to get the Carolina online and operational again," she said.

"Yeah, and I'd like to ask to never have to do this again," Jera said. "We have basic impulse and maneuverability, as well as life support and short range communications, but it'll be at least another twenty four hours before the warp core is powered up enough to take us into warp."

"That should be acceptable," Isabella said as she nodded and looked around the room. It was rather Spartan and bare, but what she had read about early Starfleet ships indicated that until the mid twenty fourth century, that had been the norm for Federation ships. "How difficult will it be to plot a course to the nearest Starfleet outpost?"

"That's something you need to ask Cadet Valenar," Jera answered as she led the XO out of the transporter room and into the corridor. Other crew from the Endeavour had already beamed over and had started spreading throughout the ship in an effort to repair and service the ship even more. "Whoever was on tactical did a great job of blowing the Carolina's systems into scrap. The entire sensor array was sliced up, along with the primary communications dish. Apparently, type X phasers slice through hundred year old unshielded starship hull rather easily."

"I'll pass that compliment on to Lieutenant Sato. We're still unsure of how the Ferengi repaired their systems so quickly," Isabella said as they walked down the corridor. They had to sidestep around various containers and crewmen who were working on various systems. Most of the work that was being done was system maintenance and servicing, and silently Isabella wished that they had scrubbed the air recycling filters first. The smell seemed to get slightly worse the further they went.

"They had fully staffed crews and probably some auxiliary systems we didn't detect. It would have been nice if we had had some cover fire when the trolls decided to start shooting though," Jera said, maybe a little too hotly.

Isabella winced at the remark. "They attacked us with a Marauder class cruiser when we tried to assist the Carolina. Before we could come up with an alternative plan, you had already reached the nebula. I'm still curious as to how you managed a thirty second burst of acceleration without impulse."

"We sealed off the shuttle bay and blew out the aft bay doors," Jera said with a shrug. "It was the only idea we could come up with that had any chance of success. It'll be in my full report."

"Very well," Isabella said as she stopped and turned to face Ros directly. "You and your team are hereby relieved. Head back to the Endeavour and get some rest."

"Yes, Ma'am," Jera said, offering the short XO a salute before she turned and headed to the transporter room. She had already called the rest of the away team to meet there, so there was no need to call them again. She probably wouldn't even wait for them to show up. Jera wanted a hot shower and some sleep, and on cue her stomach growled to remind her that she also needed to eat. Shaking her head, she walked down the corridor and towards a civilized Starfleet ship.


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