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241603.02 Joint Plot Log: CO, XO, CSEC/TAC, CEO, EO, SCIO

Posted on Thu Mar 3rd, 2016 @ 7:23am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,138 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Alistar crossed the bridge and sat down in his command chair. Leaning back, he rubbed his chin and reminded himself that he needed a shave. The last few days had been extremely busy for the Endeavour crew, her captain included. But now, hopefully, their troubles were at an end. The Carolina's warp drive was fully powered up, a skeleton crew was on board manning the critical systems, and both ships were preparing to leave the nebula that had hidden them for two days. His XO was on the Carolina, along with Ros, Walker, and Valenar. Niatra, the new science officer, was still working the deflector sonar controls, Sato was at the tactical controls. They were ready. "McKeon to Silvisi, stand by," Alistar said.

Isabella took a deep breath and had to remind herself to release it slowly. To say that she was nervous would be an understatement. Nothing like this had ever been done before, at least not that she knew of. The plan was solid enough that it made sense, but the execution would be much different. She went over the details in her head. The Endeavour would exit the nebula and get a fix on their location while fighting off the Ferengi, while the Carolina would exit two minutes after, make the calculations needed to plot a course, then jump to warp followed by the Endeavour. It sounded like an easy plan, but she hadn't been thrilled with the idea. They didn't have a choice, however, so when she heard the captain's voice, she nodded. "Dei`Silvisi here, we're standing by and ready," Isabella said.

Akira stood at the security and tactical station on the Endeavour's bridge and tried not to worry and fret. She was nervous, mostly because she knew that the Endeavour was evenly matched by the Ferengi. The skiffs alone wouldn't even make her break a sweat, but she had seen what a Marauder class cruiser could do and it actually frightened her. The Ferengi had no intention of letting the Endeavour simply walk away with their prize, which meant the Endeavour would have to fight. Just to calm her nerves, Akira checked the controls one more time. She wished, not for the first time, that they had been able to replenish their torpedo inventory before this mission. The Endeavour had less than half of her standard compliment, and Akira doubted if that would be enough.

On the Carolina, Elanawen sat at the helm console and tried not to show how worried she was. There were too many things that could go wrong with this plan, but she also knew that it was the best way for them to get out of this mess. She perched in her chair and stared at the controls as she guided the antique star ship to the nebula edge.

Fe'cia frowned at her console and tried very hard not to scratch at her fur. Tense situations made her shed, it was a normal Caitian reaction to stress, and she was feeling the effects full on. She felt sorry for the individual who would have to clean up the pile of fur she was shedding out on the deck at the bridge science station. "Sir, we're close to the edge of the nebula. Shall I continue using the active deflector sonar?"

"No, switch it to standby," Alistar ordered. "All hands stand by. Carolina, two minutes begins on my Helm, take us out."

The Endeavour slid out from the cover of the thick nebula and into the darkness of normal space. Instantly, the ship's sensors were back on line and working perfectly.

"Sir, long rang sensors are detecting two skiffs and the cruiser. They've detected us and are setting an intercept course, ETA should be in three minutes," Akira reported.

"I have a fix on our position, ready to transmit it to the Carolina," Fe'cia said.

"Shields up, ready all weapons. Helm, plot an intercept course but don't take us too far away," Alistar ordered. "Niatra, as soon as the Carolina is clear, send those coordinates."

Isabella watched the clock carefully, and sighed as they waited. She had voiced her concern that waiting two minutes was taking too high of a risk on the Ferengi discovering them. The clock reached its halfway point, and finally she shook her head. "Helm, take us out of the nebula," Isabella ordered.

"Aye, Commander," Elanawen said as she guided the Carolina towards the edge of the nebula. She knew what the plan had been, but she wasn't about to question her first officer.

Jera clenched her teeth together as the Carolina's warp core made an odd noise. The damned thing hadn't behaved since it had been powered up, but she was just about to figure out its little quirks. Pounding on the control panel for the dilithium intermix chamber, she muttered a violent curse. The odd noise stopped, and the core started purring again. "Yeah, bitch, keep on," Jera said.

Kev shook his head as he monitored the ship wide power readings. "Threatening the ship isn't the best idea you've ever come up with boss," he said as he walked towards one of the warp core control panels. "I'm pretty sure it resents being called a bitch too."

"It's a ninety five year old pile of scrap metal, guaranteed, if it keeps acting like it," Jera promised.

"Engineering, report," Isabella called over the ship's intercom system.

"Everything's good to go, Commander," Jera answered as she smacked an indicator that was blinking. When nothing happened she hit it again. It finally stopped flashing and stay lit up.

Alistar frowned as an alarm buzzed out. Turning, he raised an eyebrow towards Sato.

Akira glanced at the screen that was calling for her attention and blinked at the readouts.

"Sir, the Carolina is exiting the nebula. She's forty five seconds early," Akira reported.

"Clearly the away team is in a hurry to get off of that thing," Alistar said with a smile. "Send the numbers ensign."

Fe'cia nodded and compiled the coordinate numbers before she opened a private channel to the helm officer on the Carolina and passed the numbers along. Once that was done, she turned and nodded towards the captain to let him know it was done.

Elanawen entered the numbers into the Carolina's navigational computers and checked the readouts. Satisfied that everything was in order, she turned towards the executive officer.

"Coordinates are entered and we're ready for warp speed," Elanawen reported.

"Engage warp drive," Isabella ordered, eager to have the Carolina at warp and away from the Ferengi.

The Carolina banked away from the nebula and paused briefly before jumping into warp. The Endeavour banked away from the Ferengi and aligned on a heading to match the Carolina and followed suite, jumping into warp speed and heading to Federation space.


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