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241603.05 Plot Log: Cmdr McKeon

Posted on Sun Mar 6th, 2016 @ 6:25am by Captain Alistar McKeon

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

The space around Starbase 204 was practically buzzing over the return of the USS Carolina. In the twenty four hours since the Carolina and the Endeavour had dropped from warp and docked at SB 201, the news had spread like wild fire. Alistar and his crew had been given high praises by the media for the gallant recovery of one of Starfleet's ship's of the line, even going so far as to request interviews with the crew. For that reason alone, Alistar had ordered the Endeavour to not dock to the station, instead keeping his ship at a safe distance and away from the reporters.

It didn't help Alistar avoid all the debriefings though. He had been in and out of office meetings since arriving, and he was almost tempted to never return to SB 204 ever again. He had been in the middle of trying to grab a bite for breakfast when thus latest call for him to report to the sector Commander's office had come through. But, one didn't leave an admiral waiting. By now, Alistar knew his way from the transporter room to Admiral Hall's office, and at 0905 hours he was walking into the admiral's office with a less than happy look on his face.

"Admiral, I'm really getting sick and tired of all of these visits. I filed a full report last night and I'm hungry," Alistar growled. He frowned at Hall's laugh.

"Alistar, I read your report and I know you're tired of seeing my office, so we'll get straight to it. Starfleet Command has read my full report on the Endeavour's last mission. I've requested that the Carolina be kept here for museum purposes, but she's going to be towed to Utopia Planitia for a full investigation. However, if you and your crew ever need anything, SB 201 will do anything we can to help," Hall said.

"Thank you sir. That means a lot," Alistar said.

"Before I give you your next mission assignment, there are a few personnel issues the SFC wanted me to go over with you. Your chief helm officer has been reassigned. I understand the transfer came at his own request. He's departing for the USS Nimitz for fighter pilot duty."

"He did state that he wanted to transfer to fighter pilot duty a few times during his reviews. I told him to transfer any time he wished. I'll need a new chief helm officer though," Alistar said.

"I've got a few officers here who can use some time on a star ship if you want," Hall offered.

"I think I've got someone in mind already, but thank you sir," Alistar said with a light grin. "Anything else I need to know?"

"This next transfer isn't exactly going to be pleasant, but the order came from the office of the director of personnel," Hall said uneasily. "Lieutenant Landon is being demoted to ensign and transferred, effective immediately."

"Um. That's a little extreme," Alistar said. "Do I get to know why?"

"His performance on his previous ship had fallen below acceptable. That’s why he was transferred to the Endeavour. They apparently were hoping that his performance would improve. I'm guessing that it hasn't," Admiral Hall said.

"As chief medical officer his performance has been pretty unsatisfactory for an officer of his rank and position," Alistar admitted. "I've been thinking on how to deal with him the past few weeks."

"Well, he's no longer your problem. Effective immediately, he's to pack his bags and report to the transport ship Savanna. You'll have to find a new CMO, though," Hall said. "I'm sorry I'm dumping a bunch of personnel issues off on you like this."

"It's ok," Alistar said with a wave of his hand. "Lieutenant Eidan has been doing the duties of CMO since before Landon's worthless ass came on board, so I'm sure she'll appreciate being recognized for her hard work. I'll just make her CMO and tell Starfleet not to send me another worthless officer."

"Well, it sounds like you've got your thoughts in a row. Now. On to your next mission. Have you heard of the Yadalla System?" Hall asked.

"Nope. Should I have?" Alistar asked.

"Not really. It's in what used to be Breen space before the Dominion War Treaty cut their territory down. A lot of the species that were once oppressed by the Breen and Cardassians are starting to become known to us. The Yadalla System is home to two species, the Krivaldi and the Y'Vern. The Krivaldi aren't the best of neighbors. They were used as shock troops during the Dominion War by the Breen, and they're openly aggressive and hostile towards all others. They resemble what can best be described as a mating of a cat and an ugly dog, with patchy fur ranging from burnt orange to red."

"That's a hell of a combination," Alistar said absently. Admiral Hall continued on without pause.

"The Y'Vern are Reptilian, bipedal like the Krivaldi, And over time they've developed a nasty aggressiveness to match their neighbors. Both sides have been at war for centuries. They have limited warp capabilities, basic weaponry such as phasers, but from all reports they've never developed shields or transporters. All of their research has apparently gone into weapons research. Their ships aren't very maneuverable either."

"So if it comes down to a fight Endeavour can out gun, out maneuver, and out run them," Alistar said.

Admiral Hall nodded. "That's one reason Starfleet Command wanted the Endeavour for this one."

"I'm not the most diplomatic captain though," Alistar said.

"Your XO is. Both sides respect strength. You've proven that if need be, you can and will fight, and you have the tactical sense to match anything they can throw at you. Commander Silvisi can smooth down any feathers you might ruffle. Simple mission Al. Get both sides to at least settle for a treaty if at all possible, but a truce at the very least. We've arranged for their representatives to meet the Endeavour in a nearby system," Hall said as he stood and walked over to a wall monitor. Activating the screen, he entered a command and brought up a map. "This system here has one planet with a breathable atmosphere, it's 90% water according to our scans. It's also two days at max speed from the Yadalla System, meaning that if things go bad you can get out before they get reinforcements in. The rest of the details have been transmitted to the Endeavour. Any questions?"

Alistar shook his head. "I'll need twenty four hours to get my crew prepared. And with all of these personnel changes, I'd like to get started ASAP."

"Granted. Good luck Commander," Admiral Hall said.

Alistar nodded stiffly and turned to leave the office. Once outside, he sighed. Just for once, he wanted Endeavour assigned to something that wasn't guaranteed to turn into a problematic situation. As he started back to the transporter room, Alistar wondered just how bad this mission was going to turn out to be.


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