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StarDate 241603.10 Joint Log: Cadet Valenar and Commander McKeon

Posted on Fri Mar 11th, 2016 @ 7:06am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

881 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Elanawen had to admit that a hot shower and some time off of duty felt amazing after the events of the past week. She hadn't thought that she would enjoy piloting as much as she had enjoyed piloting the Carolina, and it was something that had been on her mind even after the Endeavour had stopped at Starbase 204. Her mother had always been the pilot, and Elanawen had avoided being assigned to the helm or even shuttle duty because she had never wanted to be compared to her mother. Unfortunately, she had had a taste and she had enjoyed it.

A Padd was sitting on the table in her quarters, a transfer request that she has written but never sent. She enjoyed science, and her instructors had said that she excelled in operations, but Elanawen had found that she loved flying. She even had to laugh at the irony of her situation. An Intrepid class ship was every helmsman's dream posting. The sleek and highly maneuverable ships were second to few if any other capital class ships when it came to capabilities. Finally, Elanawen reached up and tapped her comm. badge.

"Valenar to Commander McKeon, I'd like to speak to you when you have a moment sir," she said.

Paperwork. Lots of paperwork. Alistar's nightmare had come true. He had discovered that no good deed went unpunished and that Starfleet enjoyed making things difficult when there was no need. Starfleet Command had punished Alistar for the recovery o the Carolina with an endless week of meetings with admirals and officials and ended it with endless reports that had to be filed. He had made progress on everything but in additional to the reports he had to file there were also the reports from the Endeavour departments he had to go over. He was getting aggravated with it all and was overjoyed when his commbadge interrupted. Listening to Valenar's request he nodded and tapped his badge. Part of the away teams report had given him the excuse to proceed with something he had wanted to do for some time, and this was as good a time as any. "Valenar, report to my ready room. Immediately."

Elanawen felt her eyes widen at the sharp order of the commanding officer. She grabbed the Padd off of the table and hurried out of her quarters. Her quarters on deck five were some distance from the turbo lift, so she ran down the corridor. The trip to deck one seemed longer than what it really was, but in eight minutes she was standing in the corridor outside the ready room. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she tapped the door chime.

"Enter!" Alistar snapped, hiding his surprise. He hadn't expected Valenar to show up that quickly. She had been scheduled to be off duty until the Endeavour left for the Y'Vara system.

Elanawen hurried inside and went to attention before the desk. She had been on board the Endeavour long enough to know that the captain wasn't someone to anger when he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Sir, I apologize if my request to speak to you came at a bad time but I can explain," she said.

"Well, you're here now, so what did you want to talk about?" Alistar asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"I respectfully request to transfer station to the helm, Sir," Elanawen replied as she handed over the Padd with her request.

"I see," Alistar said as he took the padd, glance at it and then tossed it onto his desk. "Why?"

"Sir, I've always avoided being assigned to the helm, mostly because of my mother. I didn't want to be compared to her. But I found that I love it. I have passing marks in piloting and helm, and I'm qualified for most Federation ships," Elanawen said.

"Passing marks indeed cadet. You've broken several records in the piloting department at the Academy before you were assigned here. And you did a hell of a job with the Carolina. I'm actually glad you decided to request this transfer. It makes this easier," Alistar said as he stood and walked around the desk. He finally smiled as he pulled a small black velvet box out of his pocket. Opening it he showed her the gold bar of a provisional lieutenant jg. "You still have two years to go before you can hold a full commission, but as of today you're granted a field commission of lieutenant and assigned to the Endeavour as chief helm officer. Congratulations," he said.

"I don't know what to say," Elanawen said as she stared at the rank bar.

"Don't say anything," Alistar said as he took the bar and attached it to her collar. "But I would recommend that you go get in proper uniform before the XO and I have to have you written up."

"Yes Sir," Elanawen said excitedly. Turning, she stepped towards the door and hurried out into the corridor.

Alistar chuckled as he watched the newly minted lieutenant leave. He had to admit that there were times that being a captain were extremely entertaining. Terrorizing junior officers was simply one of the perks. Sitting back down at his desk, he picked up a padd and started reading.


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