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SD 241603.16 Joint Log: Executive Officer, Chief Engineer, Engineering Officer

Posted on Thu Mar 17th, 2016 @ 4:19am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Kev Walker

878 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

The first thing Isabella noticed about main engineering as she walked through the entryway was the warp core. She had never been this close to one before, and she had heard that the warp cores on Intrepid class star ships were unique and completely different from other warp cores. She could tell, even though she was far from being an expert that the Endeavour's warp core was indeed unique compared to other warp cores. The silver and blue swirl patterns that floated up and down the warp core shaft were hypnotizing, and Isabella had to shake her head and close get eyes in order to focus.

Jera glanced up from one of the status display monitors and noticed the lieutenant commander standing in the entryway to engineering. She seemed to be hypnotized by the warp core, which Jera could understand fully. The Endeavour warp core was different and it had affected most of her staff that way at least once. Walking over, Jera smiled. "The siren of the Endeavour got another one?" she asked.

Isabella frowned as she turned towards the chief engineer. She wasn't sure what Lieutenant Ros was talking about, but she could guess. "I assume, Lieutenant, that the siren you're talking about is the warp core?" Isabella asked.

"It is. It's had that affect on just about everyone on their first time seeing it," Jera answered. "We've taken to calling it the siren."

"What causes it?" Isabella asked as she turned her gaze back to the warp core. It was beautiful to look at in its current state. With the Endeavour in a parking orbit, the entire ship was running in a reduced power mode. The swirls inside the warp core seemed to lazily drift along inside the warp core shaft.

"I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with the light rays filtering through the dillithium and coming through in a range of the visual spectrum that we see that causes the effect. But that's just a guess," Jera said. "So, what brings you to the basement?"

"I need to see Ensign Walker. I understand he's due for this," Isabella said as she held up a small black box. "Normally, this would be done in a different manner, but I understand that we need everyone working to get the ship ready for departure."

"Walker! Front and center!" Jera yelled out. She knew that her favorite engineer to annoy would be somewhere nearby.

Kev had been working on staying out of the way and keeping a low profile ever since he had returned from the Carolina. He had learned that he hated out of date propulsion systems and he was starting to not like propulsion at all. He had considered a transfer to ops, but he figured he would stick it out in engineering. Besides, some of the women in engineering made it worth it to be around. Gearing Ros call his name, Kev sighed and stood up from the structural monitor and headed to where she stood with the executive officer. "Yes ma'am?" he said.

"Lieutenant, call everyone to attention, please," Isabella said as she smiled up at the assistant engineer.

"All hands, attention on deck!" Jera snapped, going to attention herself. After making sure her crew was at attention, she turned to the XO. "Engineering is at attention, lieutenant commander."

"Thank you Lieutenant," Isabella said. "Ensign Walker, your actions as an engineering officer aboard this ship since you first came on board had been outstanding. You have proven to be a valuable member of this crew, and as such you are hereby promoted to the rank of lieutenant junior grade, effective immediately. Lieutenant Ros, would you care to do the honors?"

"Gladly, ma'am," Jera said as she accepted the box from the XO and took the black pip from inside. Smiling she attached the black rank pip to Walker's neck. "Congrats Lieutenant," she said.

Kev barely kept from smiling. "Thank you ma'am," he said to both women.

Isabella smiled. "Congratulations Mister Walker. Dismissed," she said.

Kev saluted before he turned and headed back to his work station. He actually felt a little better. He was surprised to get promoted but he wasn't going to argue it.

Isabella turned towards Lieutenant Ros and nodded. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I know you and your department have a lot to take care of and get done before we depart, so I'll let you get to it." with that, Isabella turned and headed out of engineering, trying hard not to turn around and stare at the warp core as she left.

"Yes ma'am," Jera said as she watched the XO leave. Once the tiny commander was out of the basement, Jera turned and grinned. "Alright everyone, let's get back to work. Warp drive and impulse engines need to be calibrated and tuned and I still don't have a report on fuel levels. Get to it people!" she barked as she walked around engineering. Everyone was jumping back to their duties, and Jera couldn't help but check the time. If they were lucky, engineering would be ready for departure before everyone else and they might actually get some down time. Maybe.

Lt Jera'turak Ros
Chief engineer

Lieutenant Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer

Ltjg Kev Walker


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