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241603.19 Joint log: CO and CSec/Tac

Posted on Sun Mar 20th, 2016 @ 6:12am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

590 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Alistar sighed as he walked out onto the bridge and looked around. The bridge was busy with the hustle that went on before a star ship departed. Ops and sec/tac were the two busiest stations, science was empty and Valenar seemed to be completely calm as she sat at the helm and studied something on a readout monitor. With everything seeming to be in hand, Alistar walked across the bridge and paused at Sec/tac. "Sato, with me," he said before he continued on into his ready room.

Akira had been busy ever since the Endeavour had arrived at the star base. The Ferengi hadn't been able to deal any damage to the ship during the brief skirmish that had occurred during the last mission, but Akira had been kicking herself ever since the Ferengi had managed to sneak up on the Endeavour. Being sucker punched by a Ferengi had upset her, and she was determined to not let it happen a second time. The tactical sensors had been calibrated and tested and the phasers had been checked twice. Nothing was going to have an easy time picking on the Endeavour for a while. She was a little nervous when the captain walked by and ordered her into his ready room. Alistar McKeon was well known for giving a royal ass chewing when his officers and crew had screwed up, and she was hoping that she wasn't about to get one.

"Sir, we've gone over the tactical systems with a fine tooth comb. We shouldn't have any more surprises any time soon," Akira started as soon as the doors slid shut.

"That'll come in handy," Alistar said. "We're going to the Y'Vara system to mediate a truce between two alien races. I'm almost convinced that we'll get anything but peace. In fact, I'd almost bet money that we get into a firefight sometime during this mission. I want tactical ready for what the Krivaldi and Y'Varn can throw at us. I also want security to be ready. The Krivaldi were known for beaming troops onto enemy ships during the war. I don't want any critical areas of the ship left unguarded."

"My security teams are stretched thin now, Sir. We've been understaffed ever since I came on board," Akira said.

"We've been understaffed since we launched," Alistar said. "I've requested additional personnel and we should be getting a few people before we depart. I want security on full alert until further notice. No exceptions."

"I understand. I'll order security to go to condition yellow," Akira said, mentally cringing at the thought. Condition yellow meant armed security personnel on patrol and assigned to critical areas of the ship. She would have to have a serious talk with a couple of her officers, just so they knew that this was a serious situation.

"By the way. Have a talk with Sizb and let him know that I will not tolerate the usual practical jokes and general bull shit I hear about him during this mission. If he can't behave, put him somewhere out of the way," Alistar added.

"I already plan to have a little talk with him, and if I have to I'll put him into the brig if I must," Akira said with an understanding nod of her head.

"Alright. I'll let you get to it then. Dismissed lieutenant," Alistar said. He waited until she had left his ready room before he sighed. They had made all the preparations that they could, now all they could do was wait.


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