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SD 241603.29 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Chief Science Officers

Posted on Wed Mar 30th, 2016 @ 5:46am by Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

776 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Isabella walked into one of the science labs located on Deck Eight and glanced around at the mostly empty room. She had been looking for the new chief science officer, Lieutenant Niatra, who seemed to have taken a liking to the labs near stellar cartography. It seemed fitting, Isabella reflected. Science officers loved to stay away from other parts of the ship so they had a nice quiet place to conduct their experiments and carry out their work, and she could completely understand. There was no need for her to try to understand why the majority of the science labs were unoccupied most of the time, either. The Endeavour was still waiting for final crew to be assigned and come on board, and she couldn’t wait. A star ship with a full crew compliment was a more prepared star ship.

Spotting Lieutenant Niatra, Isabella started over towards her. She supposed that it shouldn’t be too hard to locate a Caitian, except that the chief science officer was short, at least short for a Caitian. She was still several inches taller than Isabella, which meant that the executive officer had to look up towards the face of the lieutenant as she approached. “Lieutenant, I’d like to offer you my congratulations on your recent promotion. I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally have someone in charge of the science department,” Isabella said.

“Thank you, Commander,” Fe’cia said with a happy purr as she turned her attention towards the first officer. The short human had always been nice and polite, an officer and an individual who deserved the respect of the officers and crew under her command, much like the captain who commanded the Endeavour. From what the Caitian officer could see, both of her command officers were good people. “Is there something I can help you with, Ma’am?” Fe’cia asked.

“There is,” Isabella said with a smile. “The captain would like to know if there is any information you can give on the star system where the diplomatic conference is going to be. We’re hoping that things don’t dissolve into a conflict, but just in case, the captain wants any information we have so we can try to be as prepared as possible.”

“I went over the information on the system when the data packet was downloaded, but I’m afraid there’s not much there, Commander,” Fe’cia said as she turned to a console and entered in a command. A hologram of the star system in question appeared. There really wasn’t much to show, a single orange star with two planets and a sparse scattering of asteroids. “Of the two planets, the second planet is a Class O planet with 93% water surface and no major land mass. The atmosphere is thin but breathable for limited amounts of time. The other is a small barren rock, again with a thin atmosphere and extremely high volcanic activity.”

Isabella nodded as she studied the hologram. “My guess is that the meeting will take place over the second planet, since it’s the most pleasing to the eye. Can you pass all the information we have on the planet to the captain? He’ll most likely want to go over it.”

“I’ve already filed a full report, but I’m afraid we don’t know any more than what I’ve just told you,” Fe’cia said sadly. “I can offer a more detailed report once we arrive and I can conduct a full scan of the planet from orbit.”

“I’ll inform the captain of that fact,” Isabella said with a nod. “Thank you, Miss Niatra.”

“Just Lieutenant will do, if you don’t mind, Commander,” Fe’cia said with a shake of her mane. “Being called Miss Niatra makes me feel old.”

“I think I can relate and understand that completely,” Isabella said with a small laugh. “Alright, Lieutenant it is. Oh, before I forget, the captain has called for a senior officer’s briefing once we’re underway. I’ll be sure to pass the exact time on to you once I know, but I thought you’d want to know in advance.”

“I’ll be sure not to get involved in any long term experiments until then,” Fe’cia said. “Thank you for letting me know.”

“Anytime, Lieutenant,” Isabella said with a friendly smile. Giving the Caitian a polite nod, she turned and headed out of the science lab, leaving the chief science officer to her experiments.

Lieutenant Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Fe’cia Niatra
Chief Science Officer


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